would not be a need for brahmacharya. These poor animals practice brahmacharya. They have sex only for fifteen-twenty days in certain seasons and then they do not. [8] The Continuous Bliss Of The Self: Brahmacharya
Questioner : After receiving this Dadashri's Gnan, is practicing brahmacharya a must?
Dadashri : It is a must for those who can practice it and it is not necessary for those who cannot. If it were a must then those not practicing brahmacharya would not be able to sleep at night, in the fear of not being able to attain liberation. It is enough to just realize that abrahmacharya is wrong.
Questioner : Philosophers say that suppressing sex is against the law of nature, and makes one even more perverted. They say that sex is necessary for good health.
Dadashri : They are right. Sex is necessary for those who are ignorant of the Self (agnanis), the worldly people. Those who understand brahmacharya do not need sex. The one who does not understand brahmacharya cannot be bound by the rules of brahmacharya otherwise, major damage will be done, and he will be destroyed.
Sex is such a thing that one day's sexual activity would not let one attain any meaningful concentration on anything for three days. There would be instability in the concentration, focus on the task at hand. When one abstains from sex for a month, his stability in concentration and focus is greatly improved.
Abrahmacharya and alcohol are two things that bring a very heavy veil of ignorance over Gnan. Therefore, one must be very vigilant in these two matters. Alcohol is such that it makes one forget, 'I am Chandulal', then the pure Soul would definitely
be forgotten, would it not? That is why the Lord has said that you should be scared of it. The person, who has a complete experience of the Self, would not be affected. Still there lies tremendous danger in its ability to uproot the Lord's Gnan and throw it out.
The one who wants to have the total experience of the Self must definitely not have any element of sexuality, and that too is not a rule. If, in the last fifteen years of his last life, one has been free of sexuality, then it is good enough. It is not necessary to take up this extreme exercise of brahmacharya life after life. Letting go of sexuality should be a natural process so that it goes away on its own. Your unflinching internal decision should be that until you attain liberation, whatever two to four more lives you may have left, it is best if they go without being married. There is nothing like it.
How long does it take to achieve an absolutely clear understanding of the Self? As long as any element of sexual impulses or sexuality remains this will not happen. This means that when pleasure arises it is difficult to discern exactly whether it stems from the Self or from the sex. If brahmacharya is present then it could be understood on the moment that it is indeed the bliss of the Self. When one has this total clear experience of the Self, then one becomes the fully enlightened Lord.
[9] Try The Vow of Brahmacharya I keep warning you to pay attention to this but to take heed is not easy for you. Yet, by experimenting with brahmacharya, say for three to five days or for a whole week in a month one will feel wonderful. If one has practiced brahmacharya for a week in a month, then by the middle of the