not go to waste, does it?
Dadashri : No. The vitality may dissipate. It does become useless in sex does it not? That extract is a very different matter. Lord Mahavir had the extract of brahmacharya for forty-two years. Vitality is the ultimate extract of all the extracts from the food we eat. If this extract is properly preserved, one can quickly attain the Self. One will be protected from the pains of the world and all bodily ailments. There will be no suffering of any kind.
Questioner: Does brahmacharya not come under the
Dadashri: Yes, but it is the final balance and extract of the living body.
Questioner: Then how does the extract of the non-Self, the living body, help the Self?
Dadashri: The Self will only be attained through the attainment of the extract of the living body, the non-Self. This is always the case in the traditional spiritual Kramic path. Without this there is no progress and one will have difficulty in remembering and saying simple sentences of scriptures. Because the Gnan that I have given you is Akram (direct, step-less), this does not
Questioner: Does this mean that there is a connection between brahmacharya and the experience of the Self?
Dadashri : Of course there is. That is the main point. With brahmacharya you can achieve whatever you want to. With brahmacharya your worldly aims will be accomplished. You will be able to follow your vows and commitments. There is ease of further progress in all directions. The extract of non
Self, brahmacharya is a very important. If this is present it opens the Self.
No one has provided a real understanding on the subject of sex to anybody. That is because people themselves are involved in sexuality. The saints and sages in the olden days were very sincere and that is why they could talk and make people understand about it.
That sex is poison is not known. If they did know that sex is poison, they would stay away from it. Therefore the Lord says that the fruit of knowledge of the Self is is that it brings an end to vishaya. What is the fruit of knowledge? It can help you bring an end to sexuality. One does not know the danger of sex and therefore he does not stop.
If there is anything to fear, it is the fear of sexuality. There is no other reason, in this world, where fear is necessary. Therefore, beware of sex, just like you would be with snakes, scorpions or a tiger.
After earning merit karmas over countless lives, one attains birth in a family with good culture and high moral standing. But all this is lost in pursuit of sex and money.
So many people ask me, 'What is there in sex that my whole body feels like death after experiencing the pleasure of sex, my mind dies and my speech dies?' I tell them that all these people indulging in sexuality are already dead, but because you have not awakened to this fact, the same condition occurs again and again. Otherwise if ever brahmacharya is preserved, each human being has so much energy. The knowledge of the Self is the ultimate essence of time (samayasaar). This is real awareness that increases the experience of the Self. And brahmacharya is the essence of the living body.