clash. You may not be affected mentally initially, but even so if you become aware of a sense of displeasure within you and you are bothered by it, you have to realize that the other person's mind is affecting yours. So you must move out of the way. As your understanding grows, you will be able to avoid conflicts. Liberation is attainable only through avoidance of conflict
This world is conflict itself. This conflict is in the form of vibrations. Therefore avoid conflicts. The world has been created through conflicts and perpetuated through revenge. Every human being, in fact every living creature is capable of harbouring revenge. Where there is excessive conflict, they will not leave you without harbouring vengeance against you. Whether it is with a snake or a scorpion, a bullock or an ox, whatever it is, it will hold a grudge. It is because there is Soul present in each and every one and the strength of the Soul is the same for all. A living being in conflict may let go and suffer because of relative weakness but an inner grudge is established. This seed of revenge expresses in the next life.
If a person talks too much, whatever he utters should not ignite conflict within us. This is religion. Yes indeed, words can be of all sorts. It is not as if the words are laying a precondition that they will cause conflict. People have a habit of clashing with one another all the time. For our own ego satisfaction, to say something annoying to someone is the biggest offence of all. If others utter such words, it is better to bury them and forget about it. He that can do so deserves to be called a man.
Questioner : Dada, when you say we must avoid conflict, does that mean that we have to practice tolerance?
Dadashri : No, to avoid conflict does not mean to tolerate. Your ability to endure is limited. How much can you tolerate? It would be analogous to compressing a spring. How long can a spring remain compressed? Therefore do not learn how to tolerate. Learn how to reach a solution. Without this knowledge of the laws, one has no choice but to tolerate things. Sooner or later the compressed spring will recoil causing a lot of damage. But alas, such are the rules of nature.
There are no laws in this world dictating that you must endure on account of someone else. Whatever you have to endure by the acts of others, is your own account due to you because of past life karma. You do not know where this account came from, so you assume it is something new being directed to you. No one creates new accounts. It is merely the old ones (previous life karma) coming back to you. In our Gnan (Self Realization Knowledge) we do not have to tolerate anything. We just observe through Gnan that the other person is a pure Soul and that he is only an instrument to settle our past account. This awareness solves the puzzle.
Questioner : Does this mean that we have to accept in our mind that all these are pending accounts and that is why they arise?
Dadashri : The person himself is a pure Soul and this is his prakruti (complex of characteristics). It is the prakruti bringing the results through thoughts, speech and acts. You are a pure Soul and so is he. Your two prakrutis are simply settling accounts with one another. The other person seemingly hurts you because his prakruti is unfolding via thoughts, acts and speech. What I am teaching you is to be aware of this process as is. Consider this other person as a pure Soul and his prakruti unfolding to settle the account with you. He is