disentangle your trousers. Let it be ripped, run and make sure that you do not miss the train. It is not worth getting stuck in any worldly situation even for a moment. In all situations where you get caught up in worldly interaction you forget the Self.
Whenever you get into a conflict with anyone unintentionally or otherwise, you must solve the situation with poise and walk away from it without generating any hostility. TRAFFIC LAWS PREVENT ACCIDENTS
When you cross a busy road, you are very cautious in order to prevent an accident. Exercise similar caution in your daily life interactions with others. Your resolve should not be to hurt anyone regardless of how hateful or wicked the person may be. Despite your caution the other person may still clash with you and you will be hurt. In all clashes both parties suffer. If you hurt any one you will inevitably suffer pain at that moment. I am giving you the example of the reason behind traffic regulations. If you cause an accident, because collisions can be fatal, you might end up being killed. So do not clash with anyone. In the same way, do not create conflict in any worldly life interactions, because there are always risks involved. Besides, conflict only occurs occasionally, it is not as if it happens two hundred times a month, is it? How often does it happen in a month for you?
Questioner: Perhaps two to four times.
Dadashri: These need to be resolved. Why do we want to spoil events by clashes? This simply does not suit us. People abide traffic laws, which are strict regulations; they don't drive according to their own interpretations do they? They are therefore saved from accidents. Likewise in daily life you must follow the laws that prevent clashes. Clashes
occur because you follow your own laws and interpretations. There is never any difficulty with the way the traffic runs because all obey the laws. If you apply the same rule with understanding, you will never run into difficulties again. The problems arise because of your own limited interpretations of the laws of life. There is a fundamental error in understanding the laws of life. The one who explains these laws must be one who has a thorough experience of these laws.
Look at how well you observe traffic rules. It is because you have made a firm decision to abide by them. Why is your ego not telling you to disregard these laws? It is because you understand with your intellect that you might injure yourself or even be killed. This is what you can experience with your senses. The intellect however, fails to make you realize the possibility of a fatal outcome from engaging in conflict with someone, because it is beyond your sense perception in this life. This is very subtle matter and the damage it causes is also subtle.
In 1951 a gentleman, who worked for me at the time, came asking me to show him a way to attain liberation from recurrent cycles of birth and death. So I gave him this one principle. I told him, 'Avoid clash.'
I was reading a spiritual book one day, when he came. He asked me to give him some spiritual knowledge. I told him, "What can I give you? You get into brawls with everyone. You even get into physical fights!" He would squander our firm's money foolishly. He would travel without paying train fares and in addition, he would quarrel with the authorities. I