full of conflict
Questioner : What causes conflict?
Dadashri : Ignorance. If you have conflict with anyone, it is a sign of your own weakness. People are not at fault. They never cause differences of opinions. The differences in opinion are your own fault. If someone clashes with you on purpose, you should ask for his or her forgiveness. Where there is conflict, it is your own fault.
Questioner : You want to avoid clashes, but a pole stands in your way. Suppose you walk around it and it still falls on top of you. What should you do then?
Dadashri : When it falls, you move out of the way.
Questioner: No matter how much we try to avoid it, it still hurts us. Take my wife for example.
Dadashri : At the time of conflict, you should find a solution.
Questioner : If someone insults us and we feel insulted, is it because of our ego?
Dadashri : In reality when someone insults you, he is really melting away your ego. Even then this insult is only affecting the excessive ego anyway. What is wrong in that? Otherwise these karma will never free you. KEEP EVERYTHING CONTAINED WITHIN YOU
LIKE THE OCEAN Questioner: Dada, in daily life, the older person finds fault with the younger and the younger person finds fault with the youngest. Why is it so?
Dadashri : That is the way it is. The older one tries to control the younger by finding fault with him. He should just take the blame on himself and admit that the fault is his if the problem is to be solved quickly. What I do, is that if the other person does not have the capacity for tolerance, I take it upon myself. I do not blame others, why should I? When I can contain it all within me like an ocean. Just look at how the ocean accommodates all the sewage of Bombay. In the same way we should be able to take it all in. We become noble and graceful to all around us thus. The children will also feel our love. They will notice our openness. Deposit everything that comes to you. It is the law of this world, that if a person insults you, he leaves all his energy for you. Therefore, accept it with joy.
MISUSE OF VYAVASTHIT Questioner : Although we want to avoid conflict by all means and settle a matter with equanimity what if the other person still provokes and insults us? What do we do?
Dadashri : Nothing. It is our own 'account so therefore, we must resolve it with equanimity. We should stay within our laws and solve our puzzles by ourselves.
Questioner : Does this conflict occur because of Vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences)?
Dadashri : Yes. Conflicts are because of Vyavasthit, but when can one say that? Only after the conflict has occurred. Your resolve should be, 'I do not want to come into conflict with anyone'. If we see a pole in front of us, we should understand that we have to go around it and not clash into it. If we still bump into it, only then can we say that it is vyavasthit. If we use Vyavasthit as an excuse from the