Sometimes even a brand new engine will not run, does that happen or not?
So repenting is all that is needed and You are not the one repenting. You have to make the non-self (Chandulal) do the repenting. Tell him, 'You must repent. You are like this and like that.' That is what you have to tell 'Chandulal'. Is anyone likely to complain about You if You scold Chandulal in this manner? The non-Self was and is separate from the
Self So suspicion will make everything cling to you, to your relative self. The internal enemies of anger, pride, attachment and greed within will surround you and imprison you. All those internal enemies are inanimate (achetan bhaav, jada bhaav). What can the inanimate, the non-Self, do to the animate (chetan, the Self)?
Suspicion that never goes away charges new
karma Questioner: You have said that after Gnan all worldly interactions are a discharge; that is true. But when there is inappropriate conduct or interaction, where does the danger of charging anew lie in that?
Dadashri: There is nothing in the world that poses a danger of charging, but charging of a new karma can occur when suspicion arises. If suspicion takes hold, know that there is a danger of charging new karmas. Now what kind of suspicion are we talking about? It is suspicion that does not let you sleep. Those are not trivial suspicions, they are not suspicions that come and go. Suspicions that come and are forgotten have no significance.
Questioner: Does that mean we should remain carefree? Can we be fearless and careless?
Dadashri: No, if you become careless and carefree, you will suffer. Why do you not put your hands on burning charcoals?
Questioner: Then what kind of a remedial action should be taken there?
Dadashri: What other actions will you take? Repentance and pratikraman are the only 'actions you can take.
Questioner: So what is the independent internal effort (purusharth) after attaining Gnan? Do we have to continue repenting or should we leave it to the charging mind bhaavun)?
Dadashri: The bhaavmun (charging mind) does not remain after Gnan. But people whose Gnan is weak do have a little of bhaavmun left, otherwise there is no bhaavmun after Gnan. If the result of Gnan is weak, if you did not hear the Gnan completely or properly or you did not speak the Gnan sentences completely during the Gnan Vidhi, then the Gnan is weak inside.
Unnecessary thoughts, which carry you away, will not come now that you have become the Self, and if they do, You do not have to listen to them. They are all related to the body complex (pudgal), they are the intent (bhaav) of the non-Self (pudgal bhaav). So do not submit to them. Nobody will bother You. It is just like a barking dog. An elephant will not turn around if a dog barks at it, it will realize that it is just a dog. If there are two hundred dogs barking behind an elephant, will the elephant turn around to see who is barking? That is how these pudgal bhaavs are. They will bother an agnani (those who do not have Self-realization) because he has not become an ‘elephant' (the Self) yet. Anagnani will get involved (affected) with them, immediately.
"No body has the power to do anything' to have this bhaav is fearlessness (shoorvirata). Everything else is matter (ada) and You are chetan, the Self. You are the one with infinite energy!