forgiveness. I should not have any suspicion about you, but I still have them.' Should there not be such a solution? Dada is an amazingly astonishing human being of this current time cycle. He is a wonder of all wonders.
Today would you be able to sell only pure ghee? What a strange and peculiar time this is. You will not be able to afford even the rent for your shop if you try to sell only pure ghee. They will sell a lot faster if the goods are adulterated. This religion, our Akram Vignan is real. People will be able to take advantage of it as the fruits of their good deeds mature. Their good deeds are going to mature; that is inevitable.
The world is roasting in a fire pit. How much 'roasting' does a person experience when suspicions arise?
Questioner: Too much.
Dadashri: Are they being roasted or being eaten alive? Questioner: They are being eaten alive also.
Dadashri: So watch out! Do not have suspicions about any one. This world is not worth having suspicions at all. Suspicions occur when you look deep into something. Once suspicion enters, only when it leaves will there be any good for you. Now, it cannot leave on its own. You do not have the power to remove it. Only the Gnani Purush can remove it for you; no one else can. Those with lesser amount of buddhi (intellect) will not be bothered by suspicion. In whom does suspicion occur? It is a problem for those with excess buddhi. Before 'we' attained Gnan, I used to have suspicions every step of the way.
Therefore; there is less external suffering for those who do not have awareness and those who are very aware, due to their excess buddhi, have a lot of externally induced suffering (upadhi). Does awareness end up being beneficial or harmful? Questioner: It is very beneficial but one should get rid of it if it causes suspicion.
Dadashri: Get rid of the awareness? Do you want to get rid of awareness or suspicion?
Questioner: Only the suspicion.
Dadashri: Yes, you want to keep the awareness, do you not? 'We' have removed all roots of suspicion. Have you removed it from its main root or have you kept some of it? Questioner: A lot of introspection was going on about suspicion within.
Dadashri: But have you not uprooted it yet?
Questioner: Today, I found a nimit (external evidence) through Dada.
Dadashri: Yes that must be the case otherwise such talks would not surface. Besides, do I talk about this only at certain times? It comes out only when all the evidences come together. It comes out only when an end to it is approaching, both for you and for the other person. The time for you to have a closure must be here, only then would such talks come out.
Otherwise, suspicion will not let you sleep the whole
Questioner: It eats away on the inside and even after all the suffering; it still does not go away.
Dadashri: What do you gain out of it?
Questioner: There is no gain.
Dadashri: Yet it still remains, does it not? Why did this discussion occur? 'We' did not realize how rampant suspicion is. Because of the Gnan 'we' have given you, you can get rid of little things yourself; whatever bites you, you can get rid of. Now that you have Gnan, would you not be able to tell when something is gnawing away at you? That which hurts and jabs you from within like a jagged pebble, would You not know about it? Would You not get rid of it? Would You allow it to stay?