attained, one cannot become fearless. There is always fear where there is suspicion.
No one will have suspicions of this kind
Ask any man in Mumbai whether he has a suspicion that he is going to die. He will tell you no because that is one thought he will throw out; he will uproot it from its main trunk and throw it out. He knows that if such a suspicion arises, it will kill him. Similarly, suspicions of any other kind are not worth having. Pluck out all other suspicions that arise within; remove them the moment they sprout. Become suspicion-free everywhere else. However people will harbor all other suspicions from within but the moment they begin to have suspicions about death, they pluck it out; they will not let it sprout.
Solution from the Gnani Purush
If the business is going down, the owner worries and suspects, 'What will happen if the business goes down? What will happen if the business goes in a loss?' You fool! Do not have suspicions. One will use the saying. 'Those who are successful will remain successful and those who are unsuccessful will remain unsuccessful. The unsuccessful one will never succeed and the successful one will never fail.' Look what a statement! But no, both positive and negative have to be there otherwise no electricity will be produced. Anything that goes up will come down and that which is down will go up. That is the natural law.
Now that you have attained the knowledge to go to moksha, make preparations for going there. Whenever any suspicion arises, come and tell me, 'Dadaji, I have such suspicions and I will find a solution for you.' Otherwise, suspicion is a very dangerous thing. It is like a ghost. It is better to be possessed by a ghost than by suspicion; at least someone will be able to exorcise the ghost for you. Possession by the ghost of suspicion cannot be removed.
Then have suspicion all the way to the end
This is our Atma Gnan! It is not an ordinary thing. It is a wonderful thing that you have acquired! These (bhaav) feelings, which arise from the mind and from the intellect, are the ones, which create fear. You just have to know once, that these are the ones that create fear. Buddhi (intellect) will create interference as long as it is in operation. Does your intellect interfere?
Questioner: Sometimes it arises. The negative intellect
Dadashri: But you have realized that it is a wrong thing. have you not?
Questioner: Yes, I have realized that much.
Dadashri: You have realized that it is wrong and all the mischief it creates is wrong; have you not? You have realized that it is not right. Yes when you realize all that, there is an effort to move towards the Self. Still if the power from the other side (intellect) is strong then it will destabilize you.
When you incur a loss in your business, you do not sit for hours worrying about it, do you? When that phase (thoughts of a loss) comes, you do not sit up for hours worrying, do you?
Questioner: Of course I do, but I get nowhere!
Dadashri: But it does stop, does it not?
Questioner: Then it stops.
Dadashri: Now when the worrying stops, is it because you recovered the loss you had incurred that the phase of worrying ends or is the loss still there and the phase of worrying just comes to an end? Say, this is triggered by a loss of five hundred rupees that you incurred. The worrying may go on for twelve hours or two days but it will eventually come to an end. So does the worrying stop after the amount of loss is recovered or does it stop even when the loss is still there?