not earning any money, then know that the situation causes you emotional agitation (udvega). You should then stop entering into any discussion about money with him. You should stop all interactions related to money. Just have a casual conversation with him, like, 'How are you? How are things?' Do you understand?
Questioner: We should let go of anything that causes udvega, but udvega is relative (temporary). Udvega is inevitable once all the evidences come together.
Dadashri: Yes, udvega will not refrain from occurring but there is always a cause behind the occurrence of udvega. So what should you do about udvega? You have to uproot it. Intellect is what brings on udvega
Questioner: Does ahambhav (ego), abhimaan (ego with rich material, extra pride, bragging) cause udvega?
Dadashri: No abhimaan (ego of materialistic possessions) does not cause udvega; something else causes it. Say you have to sleep here with everyone else and the light overhead is dim. No one except you see a small snake come into the room. Will others who have not seen the snake sleep peacefully?
Questioner: Yes
Dadashri: How about the one who sees it? Questioner: He will not be able to sleep.
Dadashri: Why is that? He has the knowledge about the snake coming into the room, others do not and so they are able to fall asleep. Now when will you be able to sleep? You will be able to sleep when you gain the knowledge that the snake has left. Now when will all this end? Therefore, everything becomes emotional because of all this. The intellect (buddhi) makes one emotional, not the ego. Ego is a good thing. All these tricks are of the buddhi (intellect); it is the intellect that causes all the
problems. It brings on udvega. It brings udvega from vega (motion).
The 'one' who experiences udvega, is not the Self
Questioner: But even now residual feelings of udvega continue to arise within us, does it not?
Dadashri: Udvega and vega will both occur but they are occurring to 'Chandulal'. They are not occurring to You, the pure Self. 'You' will know that the udvega is occurring in 'Chandulal'. If Chandulal has done transaction of udvega, then 'Chandulal' will experience it, otherwise he will have aavega or vega. You (the real Self) can know all that.
Questioner: But we live trapped in udvega, do we not? Dadashri: No it is not like that. Do you believe that the one who is trapped in udvega is 'Chandulal' or You?
Questioner: But 'Chandulal' remains trapped does he
Dadashri: He may be trapped but what does that have to do with You? Whatever has to discharge is going to discharge, there is no other way. You do not have any say in it. 'You' should not feel that You are trapped, because the pure Soul is the pure Soul. Shuddhatma is Shuddhatma. Nothing can affect it and that is Shuddhatma.
Questioner: But, I can see that 'I am pure Soul' and that 'Chandulal' still remains the same.
Dadashri: Whatever karmas that remain are the ones being discharged. If he makes a donation, you will say, 'Chandulal is a good man.' That too is 'he' (Chandulal), and if he does such an udvega, even then it is he, Chandulal. Both the situations are one; with the same nature (swabhav). It is the nature of a human being to scorn and repel from the bitter and