countries. There, even if a man were to give diamonds with an upset and non-communicative (risavu) face, the woman will think, 'Let him sulk (risavu) if he wants to. At least I get the diamonds. What do you think?
Questioner: That is true.
Dadashri: So then, is the value of being upset and noncommunicative (risavu) at home not worth more than the value of the diamonds?
Even a child will not let you touch his money. He will say, *These are my rupees, give them back to me. 'A person may be straight in one matter but obstinate in another, he will not become free until that obstinacy is gone. It is possible to attain the state of God if obstinacy leaves. 'Dada' has become completely free from all obstinacy.
Everyone's obstinacy is different in method and approach. What you state and consider as obstinate, is obstinacy you cannot see in yourself. If you can see your obstinacy, then you become God. One becomes God when he sees his own obstinacy. Even now, where can you see your own obstinacy? Otherwise, you would have become God.
Obstinacy is the only obstacle Therefore, one needs to become straight. Do I have any problems, now that I have become straight? I have become straight as a result of taking so many beatings over countless past lives. Now there is no obstinacy at all left in me. If you tell 'us' "Let us go down stairs", then 'we' will come with you. 'We' do not have any obstinacy (aadayee) whatsoever. Someone may say, 'You are like this' or you are like that.' He is saying it to the one who is that way. I would not tell that man he is wrong. What is more, I will even understand to whom he is addressing. He is not saying it to 'me' he is saying it to my neighbor'.
Questioner: Who is your neighbor?
Dadashri: This 'A. M. Patel' is the first neighbor. He (A. M. Patel) is also a contractor and an income tax payer. That man is addressing this neighbor of mine.
They say that Gnan cannot manifest in the one who lives a worldly life. Hey, the income tax payer is there, and the contract business where bribery is commonplace is also there, and yet the Gnan has expressed! So then what creates obstacles in this worldly life? Your obstinacy (aadayee) is the obstacle. I had seen a lot of obstinacy in me. I became a Gnani after all the obstinacy went away. When no obstinacy remains within you, then realize that you have become a Gnani.
Nature of obstinacy Questioner: How should I understand the nature of obstinacy (aadayee)?
Dadashri: It is when one does not accept that which his heart accepts, and acts according to his own opinion and understanding. 'We' do not say anything to anyone or pressure anyone, and if 'we' ever do and even then he does not accept it, then is that not his aadayee (obstinacy)? Is that not acting according to his own opinion and will? Should he not be following the Agna (directive) of the Gnani?
Questioner: Really speaking, we have to follow the Agnas of the Gnani.
Dadashri: Aadayee (obstinacy) is prevalent. Wherever it is, the worldly problems have arisen because of aadayee. Only 'we' are devoid of such obstinacy. 'We' have come to zero obstinacy. If someone pressures us by saying, 'You will have to do things this way otherwise we will go on a fast,' then in order to prevent them from undergoing the pain and the trouble of fasting, 'we' would tell him, "We will do it but do not go on a fast."