engrossed in worldly pleasures such as success, achievements and prosperity, or for that matter the knowledge of scriptures - they are all in garavata and it will not let them come out of the worldly life. They are stuck there and they make no spiritual progress. Only the compassion of the Gnani Purush can bring them out of it.
With explanation and later through Gnan (Self-Realization) given by the Gnani Purush, one understands that there is no real happiness in the worldly life and gets the conviction (pratiti) that real happiness lies only in the Self. Once there is a firm decision on his part, it will help get rid of garavata. Akram Vignan says that the one who is experiencing garavata, is not the real Self. Garavata gradually dissolves away with this awareness.
The Gnani Purush has no doer-ship (garva), no pleasure indulgence (garavata), no inner or outer inclination (spruha), no swelling with pride (unmattata), no 'I-ness' (potapanu). Surrendering to such a One, who is in a magnificent state of Gnan, a seeker's (spiritual) losses of infinite past lives are recouped in just one lifetime and he attains the guarantee of liberation (moksha).
6. Laghutam: Gurutam
The state of the Gnani Purush is such, that in matters of worldly interactions (vyavahar) he is laghutam i.e. he is the smallest; the lowliest and in matters of the Soul, the real Self (nischaya), he is gurutam, the highest. The Gnani Purush is never the guru of anyone. He is not anyone's superior and no one is his superior, not even God. Even God is pleased with the one who has no ego and 'my-ness'.
The one who becomes the most 'junior' in the world will be the most 'senior' in the whole universe.
In mathematics, the smallest and the final indivisible amount is the lowest common multiple. From this definition, in
His childhood, Dadashri discovered God; God is the smallest in all living beings (laghutam) and common in all Since that time, his inclination towards becoming laghutam in worldly interactions led him in becoming laghutam in the worldly life, while simultaneously there manifested the state of absolute gurutam as the Self.
Being laghutam (lowest; smallest) bestows one with permanent security. The laghutam has no fear of falling.
In the world, everyone likes to be gurutam (biggest, highest) not laghutam (the smallest; lowest). The one who tries to become gurutam will wander around in the world of the four life forms and the one who becomes the smallest will soon go towards final liberation.
What does Akram Vignan say? It says for one to be the smallest in the relative world and biggest in the real and neither big nor small (aguru-laghu) in the Self-form! The one who is the smallest in the relative world, by law, becomes the biggest in the real! In that stage, God will embrace that person.
One should not become the world's guru but should make the world his guru. A guru without the 'guru-key' (gurukilli) becomes very heavy. He will drown himself and will drown those who follow him. The guru-key must be obtained from the Gnani Purush. Guru-key means a constant awareness of 'I am a disciple of all disciples; I am the smallest.'
Everyone needs a guru that fits his or her level of spiritual development. Kindergarten teachers, first standard or second standard teachers, college teacher and the ultimate teacher is the one who makes the whole world his teacher; the ultimate guru is the one who makes the whole world his guru.
Until one's intention of becoming the biggest in the world is gone, unless ones inner belief of 'I am something' is gone, the intention to be the smallest cannot take hold.