causes inner turmoil. As long as he is in satsang, he feels at peace and that is why he comes here. Otherwise, he spends his whole day in intense greed (alacha).
Even the Gnani Purush's grace does not work for him. Even the Gnani's grace will be defeated there. Lalacha means deceit. He would not even follow the Gnani's Agnas, so how can he be blessed with the Gnani's grace? He never gives anyone any happiness and on the contrary because of his intense greed, he hurts people. All other kashayas (inner enemies of anger, pride, deceit and greed) face only one death but lalacha faces the death of countless lives. Make sure you do not abuse it in this way
Questioner: He will pay for his intense greed (alacha) will he not?
Dadashri: He will pay very dearly. Questioner: Will he not turn it around?
Dadashri: When one's intense greed (lalacha) hurts him, he will indulge in another to heal the wound from the previous one.
Questioner: So he has many ways to heal his problems!
Dadashri: Yes. Still if he remains as the Self, abides by the Agnas and lets go of everything else, then he will be fine. However, he is oblivious to the fact that he has intense greed (alacha). He is not even aware of it. Would he not free himself if he were? It is only when 'we' point out his intense greed to him that he becomes aware of it. He believes he is dealing with everything, with equanimity. How can one be dealing with equanimity when his behavior is socially unacceptable? How is that possible? There is no problem if he is intimate with his own wife, but if his conduct is not socially acceptable and then he believes he is abiding by Dada's Agnas, then it is a serious misuse of the Agnas. It is the ultimate misuse of the Agnas. Even
an ordinary person misuses the Gnani's Agnas, but a covetous person (alachu) commits suicide when he does; he is destroying himself. If he has the merit karma (punya), he will become aware of his lalacha but not otherwise. How can he possibly become aware? As long as he has interest in it, he is likely to lose himself in it.
Therefore the seed of lalacha is not destroyed and so it will sprout if it is 'watered'. It has not 'sprouted because the circumstances have not been right for it to do so. However the moment the right circumstances arise, it will sprout immediately. We may not see any roots or tubers there, but the tubers are hidden beneath for sure. They will sprout the moment they get water. So you should not be of the opinion that it is gone. The intense greed (alacha) does not decrease that way, how can it? An end will come for everyone but not for the lalachu.
Effect of bad company For countless lives, only this has been ruined; the ruin is internal, due to the kashaya of intense greed. Man ruins his life as well as of those around him.
This happens because of bad company (kusang). These "tubers' will not go away once they become established. These tubers become huge. They would go away if they were small. If a magnet is large, it will attract and pull a small needle. But what happens if you try to pull a large piece of iron? Even the magnet will be pulled towards it. Even if you try to hang on to the magnet, your hand will get pulled away. That is what bad company (kusang) is like.
That is why writers of scriptures have said it is better to take poison and die than be affected by the influence of bad company (kusang).
Veils over lalacha are very heavy It is not possible for one to be free from any intense greed