dwesh. The karma is not the problem; they will occur as long as this body is there. The problem lies in the raag-dwesh that one does. What do the Vitarags say? They tell all to become vitarag, free from attachment and abhorrence. The importance is not in what you do in this world. But if there is raag-dwesh when you are doing it, you create a new karmic account for your next life. There is no consequence if you do not do raagdwesh. Your whole body, from birth to death, is mandatory (farajiyat). You have no choice but to deal with the effect of every karma. Only the raag-dwesh that arises from doing so will create a new binding account. That is why the Vitarags say, 'Become vitarag and go through life, and be done with it.'
If someone throws insults at 'us,' 'we' realize that the insults are aimed at 'Ambalal' - at the pudgal, the non-Self. He does not know the Self, does he? So 'we' do not accept those insults. 'We' are not affected by the insult; 'we' remain free from all attachment (vitarag). 'We' do not experience any raagdwesh towards that person. And, therefore, after one or two lifetimes 'we' will attain liberation.
The Vitarags are simply saying that karma is not the obstacle to liberation. It is the ignorance of the Self (agnanta) that is the obstacle. Karma is going to happen as long as there is the body, but karma ceases to bind when the ignorance goes away.
[18] Sahaj Prakruti
Questioner: What is the natural and spontaneous (sahaj) relative-self (prakruti) of the Gnanis?
Dadashri: Prakruti is considered sahaj when you have a thought and it does not cause an effect within.
Questioner: How and when does the prakruti become
Dadashri: If one does not interfere in charitra moha (discharging karma effects, discharge moha), then the prakruti begins to become natural. The Soul is verily natural. But when prakruti becomes natural then moksha occurs. Women are more natural and spontaneous than the men here. Foreigners are more natural than women from this place (India) and these animals and birds are even more natural than the foreigners.
Questioner: Is the naturalness of all these categories associated with the Self-knowledge (Gnan) or with the ignorance of the Self (agnan)?
Dadashri: Their naturalness is associated with agnan. It is like the naturalness of these cows and buffaloes. The cow may be jumpy and wild and may even charge you to strike with her horns, and yet it is natural. 'Natural' means to become absorbed in (tanmayakar). 'Natural' means to become one with the nature of the prakruti and not interfere in it. Such naturalness is with ignorance of the Self.
If we ever try to catch this cow's calf, you will see painful