Questioner: Does the ego also depend on effect, location, time and inner intents?
Dadashri: Yes, and that is why one does pratishtha. It will appear as if it is the ego that is doing the pratishtha, but circumstances make him do it. That gives rise to pratishtha. Now, circumstances arise out of that pratishtha which again cause you to create new pratishtha. Therefore, You (the real Self) do not do anything in it. That is why I call it 'scientific circumstantial evidences.' It is the circumstance that makes a person do things, and he believes, 'I did it.' Even the belief, 'I did it,' is caused by circumstances. Someone may ask, 'Is that called an ego?' You can say it is verily the ego because the doer' is some other entity, but he claims and believes he did it.
Questioner: Does ego arise according to circumstances?
Dadashri: Yes, that is correct. It is circumstances that make him do everything, including having the ego. Yet he believes, 'I am doing it, and because of that, a new pratishtha arises. 'We mahatmas) do not have, I did it,' in our' belief. 'We' know that vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences) make 'us' do all that, and that is why pratishtha stops occurring. The one (pratishtha) that was created prior to Gnan, that life will come; but new creation has ended. When you went on the pilgrimage, it was due to the bhaav you had created previously. Wherever you went are the places you had made the bhaav to visit
Questioner: Does the buddhi's ashaya change or not?
Dadashri: Buddhi's ashaya depends upon the prevailing circumstances. If one is surrounded by policemen, it will create fear in him and his buddhi's ashaya will say that he does not want to steal anymore. Everything will change accordingly.
Buddhi's ashaya arises according to the coming together of physical matter (dravya), location (kshetra), time (kaad) and
vision through the belief of 'I am Chandulal' (bhaav - intent). But the main intent is there for sure; if you have the intent to steal, only then will the circumstances come together.
Even Ego is a Natural Arrangement
Questioner: "Necessity is the mother of invention': is that wrong?
Dadashri: That is just an exercise of words. However, nature does all this.
Questioner: Then what is the basis for this relative progress?
Dadashri: Nature makes it happen. Dravya changes as time changes, and as dravya changes so does bhaav and then one does egoism of, 'I did.' Even the ego is nature's doing. He who gets out of this egoism is freed from this too. Progress is caused by nature; otherwise, all exercising of words is egoism.
People came up with the word 'prarabdha (fate; destiny) and that is the reason for our predicament today! That is why in 'our' science 'we' have not called anything prarabdha.'
Questioner: Is it not that whatever is in vyavasthit is what will happen?
Dadashri: I am telling you all this for your satisfaction. You continue doing what you are doing and the result is in the hands of vyavasthit, so do not worry or be scared. When the order comes for you to fight, go fight, and do not worry about the result.
Questioner: So should we not plan for anything?
Dadashri: Plans have already been made in past life). So when it comes for you to do anything, continue doing. Plans were already made before the beginning of any event.