Questioner: Yes, they do.
Dadashri: Do they fret all night long as to, 'Why did he get that and I got this?' No, they don't. Why are they content with what they have? It is because their buddhi's ashaya is, 'I only feel comfortable in my home and in my own bed.' Then it does not even matter if it is just a hut. You may comment on how his bed sags but he will tell you, 'I can fall asleep only in this bed; I cannot sleep in a bungalow.' If you were to feed gourmet meals every day to a person living in primitive areas, he will not be satisfied. He will feel trapped there and will run away after a few days.
Many people wear expensive clothes even when they cannot afford them, and many, despite being very rich, wear worn out clothes...that is buddhi's ashaya.
A child will like only his father and mother even if they treat him badly. The father may not be on talking terms with his son all his life, but when he dies, he leaves everything to his son in his will. He leaves everything to his son even though his nephew took care of him all along. That is called buddhi's ashaya.
Even Dada's son and daughter died in their infancy. His buddhi's ashaya was, 'Why such hassle...why such bother?" If a person has in his ashaya, 'I will not work for anyone,' he will not have to work under anyone. Therefore, everything happens according to buddhi's ashaya.
Questioner: So whatever the worldly interaction, whatever the worldly evidence (nimit), living or non-living, whatever circumstances that come together, is the ashaya working behind all that?
Dadashri: Nothing comes together without buddhi's
Questioner: Now is buddhi's ashaya the result of the
activity of one's chit (chintavan) from the past life? (Chit - the subtle component of vision and knowledge in the inner functioning instrument called antahkaran).
Dadashri: Not chintavan; it is the ashaya - buddhi's ashaya - the intellect's intention. This life is the fruit of buddhi's ashaya from the past life. He will meet up with a speculator if that was in his buddhi's ashaya. The moment he steps out of his house, he will meet up with someone who bets on horses. Even if he decides he does not want to go to the horse races before leaving his home, he will end up going there. That is buddhi's ashaya.
From your buddhi's ashaya of your past life, you will know that in this life you are not going to be influenced by the stock market or that you are not likely to meet a rogue.
Support for Buddhi's Ashaya
All of this that is in front of you is dependent on buddhi's ashaya, which is dependent on physical matter (dravya), location (kshetra), time (kaad) and vision through the belief of 'I am Chandulal' (bhaav intent). There is no doer-ship of the Self in it. One believes that one is the doer and that truly is the illusion. This illusion binds karma over and over again. This illusion is never dispelled. From a seed to a tree, and from a tree to a seed, this cycle continues relentlessly. Once the seed is destroyed, the tree will not grow again. The ego is the seed. Destroy the ego. Eat the fruit that has come, but destroy the seed. That is why 'we' say, 'Go through, suffer or enjoy the 'file' that comes your way and settle everything with equanimity." Eat the pulp of the mango and destroy its seed. The 'pulp' of the mango is the receptacle of the intellect - buddhi's ashaya. You cannot do anything in that; you will have to eat it. But while eating, do not say, 'This is good,' or 'This is bad.' Settle everything with equanimity.