immeasurable. The Self that is immeasurable, not weighable, can only be understood through Gnan. Only through the Gnani's Gnan can one have awareness of the Self, otherwise it can never come into awareness.
Questioner: What is the conscious mind? Is it the mind?
Dadashri: They are not talking about the mind. They are talking about the chit. The mind arises in the presence of the Self and that is what people refer to as bhaav.
Questioner: How is it related to the Self?
Dadashri: The relationship is simply that of touch, of proximity. It continues to be charged through being in the proximity to the Self. As long as there is the belief of, 'I am Chandubhai', 'I am his father', it continues to be touched and charged.
Questioner: Can we call it the sthool mun (the gross mind)?
Dadashri: No, the gross part is that which does the thinking. It is physical.
Questioner: What is the difference between gross (sthool) and subtle (sookshma)?
Dadashri: Everyone can understand the gross mind. The one that does the thinking is the gross mind but no one can know the subtle mind. Only the Gnani Purush understands it. People keep talking about 'bhaav mun' but they cannot grasp exactly what it is.
Questioner: When can one grasp it?
Dadashri: It only occurs when one attains Gnan. One is able to grasp the bhaav mun (subtle mind that charges karmas) a certain time prior to becoming a Gnani'. The one who is dissolving his ego will be able to grasp it. Once you become the
*Shuddhatma', the charging for a new mind (through the subtle mind, also called the bhaav mun) ceases and the gross mind continues to discharge. That is its function.
Questioner: Does it have an effect?
Dadashri: It is the nature of the mind to be effective, is it not? You have to understand that 'the one who is affected is not l', so the effect will not touch You.
If someone were to tell you that the car your son had been driving three days ago was involved in an accident and that it is completely destroyed, you will be affected when you see it. But then if they tell you that he sold the car yesterday; it will immediately change the effect on you. Everything is effective. But if you have Gnan, it will have no effect on You. That is why I have said that the mind is effective, speech is effective and the body too, is effective.
Dravya mun (effective mind) is gross mind and bhaav mun (causal mind, inner intent) is subtle mind. One can become free if his bhaav mun changes; it does not matter if his dravya mun does not. Consequences or effects are dependent on bhaav mun. One may have thoughts of violence as an effect but his inner intent may be different. Therefore, the consequences are based on the inner intent. Penalty for faults or wrong actions due to dravya (effect) will have to be faced right here in this life) and the consequences of bhaav (charging through inner intent) will have to be faced in the next life.
All religions practiced in the world currently are based on a theory, which advocates changing the effect (dravya) rather than the inner intent (bhaav). So what happens is people's bhaav change based on their dravya. Even if they do something wrong (as an effect), they reinforce their actions by saying that it is exactly what they should do. So My discovery is that the gross mind (dravya mun, the discharging mind) that people are trying to change never can be changed. Hence we put aside the