Questioner: Does the state of 'Sat Chit Anand' have form or shape, or is it formless?
Dadashri: It is formless (aroopi); that it is formless is a point worth understanding. There is no need to understand right away. For the time being you have to understand how to attain
Questioner: The intense feeling of missing (viraha) the Gnani Purush: this agony within caused by inability to have direct darshan and contact with the Gnani Purush, what kind of suffering vedana is that?
Dadashri: Oh ho ho, that experience! It gives rise to 'electricity' with which the Self becomes illuminating (tejavaan). It is the most privileged phenomenon one can experience. Such an experience occurs very rarely. It occurs after acquaintance of many lifetimes. It comes to those who are ready to go to moksha. You do not have to be in a hurry for it. You have wasted so many lifetimes, so now what more are you going to lose in one or two more lifetimes? You have wandered so many lifetimes and you have not become weary and tired from it, so are you likely to become tired in two more lifetimes?
The State of Sat Chit Anand The Self is verily Sat Chit Anand (sacchidanand; the awareness of the eternal is bliss.). This chit has become asat (that which is changing and is not permanent). Thus pleasure (sukh) is imaginary and pain (dukh) is also imaginary. However, even though they are imagined, their effect is experienced as real. Sat Chit Anand is Your state.
Questioner: Is the state of Sat Chit Anand present in everyone?
Dadashri: Yes, it is in every living being and it is verily the Parmatma (the absolute Self).
The state of Sat Chit Anand' has two bhaav states. One is swabhav and the other is vibhav. Swabhav means that which is of the Self, and here vibhav means 'additional', not of the Self, and not opposite or contrary. The wrong belief, 'I am Chandubhai' (vibhav) is a result of pressure from circumstances.
It has been called formless, shapeless (nirakaar), so for now just understand that it is formless, you will be able to understand the rest later. It has been called nirakaar for a certain purpose. Certain talks of purpose-goal are such that they are understood only after the goal is realized. The Self is free of karmas (niranjan). It has not been affected by karmas. Even today the Self within you is a pure Self. It can be seen clearly. But you simply have the belief that you have done many bad deeds (paap) and good deeds (punya). All the wrong beliefs have set in. The Gnani Purush breaks the wrong belief and replaces it with the right one. When the right belief sets in, then You become aware that 'I am God'.
Prashasta Moha Maya (deceit, the illusion that deceives the Self) means ignorance of the Self. There is no such thing as maya; it is a relative state. It is temporary and You are permanent. How long will it stay? It will remain as long as you have moha (illusory attachment) towards temporary things. When you attain the knowledge, 'I am pure Self', when moha for the Self arises; maya will come to an end.
Questioner: After some time one should not have moha for the Self, is that not correct?
Dadashri: Moha for the Self is good; that is not considered moha. It is called moha in our worldly language. Moha means murchha (attraction); that is not really considered affection for the Self; it is considered illusory attachment for the