sahaj (natural and spontaneous)?
Dadashri: Sahaj means that even if someone were to do something to your body, You would not have attachment or abhorrence (raag or dwesh). Just look at 'us' and understand what sahaj is. Sahaj means to be in one's own state, to be natural, to not be in the state of the non-Self. It is to have no sense of 'I am in the relative.
Questioner: When does one become sahaj (natural and spontaneous)?
Dadashri: When this Gnan advances with producing results and karmas become few, one progressively becomes sahaj. At the moment you are becoming natural a little at a time and then you will become completely sahaj (natural and spontaneous). As you become free of the dehadhyas, meaning free from the belief, 'I am this body'. you move towards naturalness (sahajata). However natural You become, that is how much you become one with the Self. Are you convinced that you have attained this path?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: Whoever is convinced about this will attain liberation. Everything will come to an end; thoughts will end, knowledge will end. Everything has an end, but ignorance has no end.
The one who says that the drashti (vision) has fallen upon the One 'seeing' (drashta); is very far from the Drashta (the Self). It will take them a very long time to attain that state. We have attained the Drashta state (the Self). What the world is searching for, we have in our hands. Now our job is to see how to make use of the pure applied awareness (shuddha upayog) as the Self. That is called real spiritual endeavour (purusharth).
When you leave home and You apply shuddha upayog
(remain in the awareness as the Self); then You will be able to 'see' real and relative as you go. You will have shuddha upayog (pure awareness as the Self) at that time. Whenever you are talking with anyone. You can maintain shuddha upayog from within as you carry on the conversation. You simply have to see whatever 'Chandubhai' is doing. It is possible to maintain upayog in this manner. It is not a difficult thing to do.
Shuddha (pure) upayog (applied use of awareness) is when you do not become engrossed or absorbed (tanmayakar) with the mind, speech and conduct. It takes time for such awareness (jagruti) to come. Awareness increases as discharge kashays or the nikaali kashays--those which do not create new kashay-begin to decrease slowly. From now on, no new kashays are being charged, but the discharge kashays (anger, pride, deceit and greed) within will continue to discharge.
If I come to your home and see that you have been upset with your wife, I would not take note that you are doing something wrong. Your agitation is discharging. Now that I have given you Gnan, You will not fall short. But discharge is bound to occur, is it not? All I see is whether your upayog (your awareness as the Self) was there or not.
Questioner: I still do not understand this talk about 'look for the Seer that is seeing'.' Please explain it to me.
Dadashri: We have found the Drashta (the Self). We are telling a person who does not have Self-realization that 'Where your drashti (vision) falls is really a drashya (scene), meaning that which you are seeing is really the object to be seen. But really you need to investigate who is the one doing the seeing.' That is what I am saying.
Everything on the outside is the corporeal vision. But to 'see' within; to see what the mind is saying, what the mind is thinking, to see what the intellect within is doing, what the