Questioner: So does the body experience helplessness - dependency?
Dadashri: No, even the body does not experience helplessness (lachari). It is the ego that experiences helplessness.
Who Are 'You'? Questioner: Whatever is meant to happen will happen; no matter what one does.
Dadashri: You cannot say, 'whatever is meant to happen will happen.' Gnan is only useful if you do not become affected when someone insults you. You have worries, you get all worked up; weakness arises within you.
Questioner: Who has worries? Is it me or my Atma (Self)?
Dadashri: You. Questioner: So it is the body that has worries?
One gets affected even when he has a home, a car and other tools of comfort, so then what happens if one of the tools break down? Man lives his life through endless worries. Therefore, come to know and understand what is around you and what it is all about. If you understand it ahead of time it will not have an effect on you, but if you don't have the understanding, then you have to take everything upon you. People are not able to sleep when they carry their problems on their heads. They will fall asleep when their body gets tired. How can you call this a life?
Who are you? On what basis do you exist? You have no knowledge of it. Should you not know on what basis this exists? Should you not understand the relationship between support and the one being supported and on what basis you exist? If someone were to announce that the police are coming here, people will become anxious even before they arrive. Why should there be so much weakness? There is a lot more to the world. You have seen it for many lives but you cannot remember it, can you? So it is worth knowing this world.
All you need to understand is What is worth doing and what is not worth doing; what is worth knowing and what is not worth knowing
Doership Perpetuates Worldly Life
When one begins to see his own mistake, it is the beginning of right (samkit) vision.
Questioner: Does such a person become humble?
Dadashri: Humility may or may not come, but it is considered samkit drashti when one starts to see his own mistake. Otherwise, he will not be able to see a single mistake of his. The belief, 'I am the doer', remains.
In our Gnan the belief, 'I am the doer', is a kusang (association with that which takes you away from your real
Dadashri: It happens to you, to the one you yourself believe to be. It happens to the one that believes this body is mine
Questioner: Worry is not an issue if I claim, 'I have nothing to do with anything, is it?
Dadashri: If you are not affected by the worldly life, then there is no problem. There is no need for you to understand this Gnan then. But does the worldly life affect you in any way? All this is relative. It affects you personally, does it not?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: There is a weakness (nirbadata) as long as you are being affected. Tremendous weakness! Man should not have any effect at all.