doing samayik'. The belief, 'I am the doer', is and perpetuates bondage. In the current era of the time cycle it would be good even if one attains human life again. One does nothing but artadhyan and raudradhyan his entire life. Also there are only a few living beings that are bound for a life in hell. If there is little artadhyan (meditation that hurts the self) and raudradhyan (mediation that hurts the self and others) one can still attain a human life again; but people do not even have knowledge of dharmadhyan (absence of adverse internal meditation that hurts the self and the others); if they did, even then their work would be done.
Questioner: How can I be in dharmadhyan when the first thing I am reminded of, when I get up in the morning, is the customers and the business?
Dadashri: No one is at fault here. One has no choice but it happens.
Questioner: How can I become free from all this? Dadashri: Have you not read in the book? Questioner: I have not read all of it.
Dadashri: You cannot attain liberation by yourself. Only the one who is free from bondage can free others. He who is drowning cannot save others. In the same token, he who has attained moksha can give moksha to others.
There are about ten percent of people in this world who will come back as humans, the rest are the guests of lower life forms (tiryanch gati)!
Questioner: What if one has a strong determination (nischay) that he wants a human life form and the Jain religion in his next life?
Dadashri: Who would not have such a nischay? But would he not go to a lower life form if he has artadhyan and
raudradhyan? Raudradhyan means to cause any kind of hurt to others and artadhyan means that only he himself is in pain; he does not hurt others at all.
Nothing is attained no matter how many resolutions (nischays) he makes, no matter how much he wanders life after life. Has he not been wandering for endless lives? One has heard and listened to the 'liberated One' (mukta Purush) but one did not follow His Agnas. To surrender to the Agnas of the liberated One is itself dharma (religion). Only the liberated One can liberate you. They have the 'license' to do so. You have to understand this from a Gnani Purush.
We have two paths: a relative path and a real path. Dharmadhyan is taught by many, but no one knows how to do it. 'We' teach dharmadhyan here but it is dharmadhyan of a very elevated state. If anyone can grasp it, his work will be done.
Questioner: As one progresses in dharmadhyan, will he eventually progress towards shukladhyan (awareness after the Self is realized)?
Dadashri: No! One cannot go towards shukladhyan from dharmadhyan. Shukladhyan is not something one can attain on his own. It cannot manifest without the darshan of a Gnani Purush or a Kevalgnani (the One who is the light of absolute Knowledge). It is a nirvikalp state (a state without of any 'I-ness'). It is a state beyond the senses (atindriya). Therefore, it cannot be attained any other way. I give you both, dharmadhyan as well as shukladhyan.
Disrespect Towards the Gnani
Questioner: If any disrespect (avinaya) is occurring in the process of asking you questions, or in my speech and actions, even though it is not my intention (bhaav); is that tantamount to doing your viradhana (being insolent towards You)?