Whose Incantation? Questioner: What specific kind of jaap (incantation, chant) should one do for peace of mind and for more awareness of God?
Dadashri: It will happen if you do jaap of the Self.
Questioner: The jaap of 'Sahajatmaswaroop paramguru' (the natural Self is the absolute guru)'?
Dadashri: No, that is not the jaap of your own swaroop (the Self). That is worship of God. Swaroop means 'who you are', you will attain complete peace (shanti) if you do jaap of that. Why don't you do jaap of your own Self?
Questioner: For a long time this question about what kind of jaap would bring peace was puzzling me.
Dadashri: You will attain constant peace; you will not have any mental or physical worries if you do jaap of the Self. However, for that you will need the grace of the Gnani Purush. After Meeting a Gnani, Nothing Else Is Needed
Questioner: How necessary are the sadhan (tools or means such as scriptures, rituals, chants, penance, fasting, spiritual masters, satsang, etc.) for purification of the antahkaran (the inner complex of mind, intellect, chit and
things. If you do not continue to do the purification (shuddhikaran) the inner complex (mind, intellect, chit and ego) will continue to become impure (ashuddha). Don't you have to sweep the home everyday? If you meet a Gnani you simply have to tell him, Please bring about a solution for me.' Then the Gnani Purush will do everything for you within an hour. After that, all You have to do is remain in his Agnas (special instructions). The Self has been attained through the direct elevator path of Akram Vignan, and therefore do not stick your hand out from a moving elevator (remain in the Agnas); otherwise you will lose it. This elevator is headed for moksha.
There are two paths to moksha: one is the Kramic path and the other is the Akram path. Kramic means to go up (progress) one step at a time and Akram means to go up in an elevator.
Liberation via the Akram Path Questioner: Is there not a straight path to moksha? Dadashri: Then do you want a crooked one?
Questioner: I do not want a crooked one but I cannot find a straight one. I believe the path to liberation is not easy.
Dadashri: Which tools (means)? Questioner: Jaap, penance, etc.
Dadashri: You should utilize these tools (sadhans) until you realize the sadhya (the ultimate goal, the Self). But if you meet a Gnani Purush you don't have to do anything. He will do everything for you. If you do not find a Gnani, then you have to do something; otherwise you end up falling prey to wrong
Dadashri: Yes, that is true. There are two paths to moksha. There is only one path that is permanent. It is the path, which you say is difficult. Only, it is very rare that this prized path (Akram) has come about. It comes once in a million years. Those who get the ticket for that path are forever blessed. This path is not forever. This is the path of Akram Vignan and the other is 'kram vignan'. Kram means step-by-step. One has to climb one step at a time whereas this path of Akram is an elevator path. It does not matter if you do not like the elevator path. 'We will show you the other path. If you have the energy to climb the steps, then what is wrong with that path? And those