original nature (swabhav), does not die. Only that which is perishable by nature dies.
You will see the world as flawless (nirdosh) indeed. The one with limited understanding will adjust by saying, that must be my karmic account'. Otherwise there is no such thing as, 'He is my son. The one who understands the Lord's language, will he not see the world as flawless? He will see the one who offers flowers or throws stones as nirdosh (flawless; faultless). He sees both of these as being faultless: the one who takes a life and the one who saves a life. He does not see anything beyond that.
And if you want to understand through our Gnan, then you have to understand that, it is vyavasthit, it is a karmic account (hisaab). Then as you go further, you will understand the main thing. 'No savior can save and no killer can kill, this is all the work of nature'. It is true that it is vyavasthit, but who is doing all this under the support of vyavasthit? He, the Knower, knows that whole thing is done by nature. Nature is helping every living being, but the current time cycle disturbs this process.
Questioner: I do not understand what you said about the time cycle disturbing this process.
Dadashri: This world would be wonderful if the current era of the time cycle did not disturb it. When such an era arrives, it can take one down to lower life forms (adhogati). Adhogari is not the work of nature. Nature always actively serves to take one higher (urdhvagati).
There was a time when masters used to hassle servants and now the time has come where servants hassle the masters. It is a strangeness of this era of the time cycle. If things were to remain within 'normality' it would be very beautiful. The masters would never harass the servants and the servants would never misbehave.
One has been living with a wrong belief. He becomes a father and believes himself to be a father, but he would soon find out how many days his fatherhood' would last if he were to scold his son for just a couple of hours! He would be stunned! Truly if there were such a state of fatherhood, there would be no separation from children.
Repentance for Sins Questioner: If we go to the temple every Sunday and confess to all our wrong doings (demerit karmas) to God, will we be forgiven?
Dadashri: If that were possible then no one would fall sick, would they? Then there would be no misery (dukh) at all, would there? But there is endless misery. The reason to ask for forgiveness is to destroy the root of your demerit karmas (paap), so that they do not sprout again, but you will still have to suffer the effect; the fruit, won't you?
Questioner: Some roots may sprout again.
Dadashri: They may sprout again if they were not destroyed completely. But regardless of whether the root has been destroyed or not, the fruits of past karmas will still have to be suffered. Even the enlightened Lords have to suffer them. Lord Krishna too was shot with an arrow in the foot. There is no way out of that. I too have to suffer them.
Asking for forgiveness is part of every religion: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc., but their methods are different.
Questioner: But no person can have all the four different types of happiness the Lord has given, surely?
Dadashri: This is not happiness at all. It is all imagination. It is not real happiness.
Questioner: How is one to understand what real happiness is and what is not, without experiencing it?