together. It is more than enough if circumstances do not come forth. That is why the Lord has said:
'Aego mei shashao appa, naanah dunshaan sanjuo. 'I am an eternal Soul with the attributes of knowledge and
vision. Shesha mei baheera bhaava, savee sanjog lakhana.' * The rest are all external intents, all attributes of these
circumstances.' *Sanjog moola jivenah patta dookham parampara.
*At the root of all life lies infinite suffering life after life.' *Tammha sanjog sambandham, savvam tiviheyn vosariyami. *All these circumstances and their relations, I surrender unto
You are saying that you want to surrender all circumstances but you do not want liberation. Is that what you are saying?
Questioner: Man does not feel attracted to religion; he gets attracted for a while and then he lets go of it and then he turns towards religion again. Why is that?
Dadashri: There is not attraction (aakarshan) alone in this world. There is attraction and there is repulsion (vikarshan) too; they are attributes of duality (dwandva). The world itself is in the form of duality. There cannot be just attraction or repulsion alone, otherwise attraction would never occur again. If there is attraction towards only religion, people will get tired of it because religion that currently exists in the world is not exact and precise religion; it is religion under the influence of illusion (bhranti).
Questioner: But there is a need for this illusory religion, is there not?
Dadashri: Yes, it is necessary for one's development. One has to make progress by way of taking a beating. As one
suffers in the repeated beating, the intellect (buddhi) increases As the intellect increases, so does his inner turmoil and that is when he seeks shelter of the religion of the Self.
Jagat Kalyan Questioner: Dada, what should one do if a person gets tired while reading scriptures, while doing samayik, while doing pratikraman, while worshipping (bhakti)?
Dadashri: What has God considered to be a samayik? He has said that for the one who does not experience artadhyan (adverse internal meditation that hurts the self), or raudradhyan (adverse internal meditation that hurts the self and others), the entire day is samayik. How wise Lord Mahavir is! He does not leave anything to you to work for. And the Lord will not accept even a single samayik of these people (who do not have Self-realization). One's artadhyan and raudradhyan must stop for a period of 48 minutes (gunthanu). When you do samayik with the belief, 'I am Chandubhai', it is like cutting down a neem tree; it will grow back and it will still be bitter, won't it? Even if we add sugar to it after we cut it down, why does it still remain bitter?
Questioner: Yes, its very core is bitter Dada.
Dadashri: It is that way by nature. Similarly if 'Chandubhai stops all attachment and abhorrence (raag and dwesh) and sits to do samayik, what will he meditate upon when he has not known or understood the Self, and when he does not know what illusion is or what wrong belief is? So what can even a big VIP do if he sits down to do samayik, but he does not know anything else? So such people create a little circle around them and if thoughts of their business, money, or sex creep in, they keep pushing them outside the circle. Just as you shoo away young baby calves or dogs when they come into your compound; that is what they call samayik. Even then one can do this type of samayik because artadhyan and raudradhyan