Dadashri : Your name too is mandatory. It was given to you when you were an infant and you have to live with that name, whether you like it or not. There is no escaping it. Everything is mandatory and everything gets done automatically. It does not matter at what stage you are on the natural flow of this worldly path. Everything is mandatory and therefore you will have to do it. A policeman will force you to comply with the law because it is mandatory. Just as there are policemen on the outside, there are policemen within. It is the policeman within that makes every 'top' (everyone) spin.
One day I was sitting in the verandah and I saw an ox being pulled mercilessly. Three men were pulling at its reins from the front and it appeared as if they would tear its nose. Another man was flogging the poor beast from behind. They kept poking him with a sharp nailed-stick but even then the ox would not budge. I asked them why they were treating the ox that way and why would it not move. They told me that they had taken the ox to a vet the day before and it scared him and now he refuses to move. The ox had no choice in the matter. It would have to go. Instead of going through all the torture, why not go willingly? Either way you will have to comply so why not do it willingly instead of complying through torture? Everything is mandatory so proceed without causing any problem, otherwise the world will flog you, like they flog the ox, and will make you comply.
he did of his own free will was completely different. He was liberated. He had become a Purush (Self-realized), and had free will. But on the outside, as far as the worldly life was concerned, he was duty-bound and he never lost sight of that. When he renounced his wife, it was mandatory but people thought he did it of his free will. Whatever my mahatmas do as mandatory is a luxury and whatever they do voluntarily is liberation. Liberation with grandeur - such is the 'Akram Gnan of Dada Bhagwan.
The World's Foundation The whole world is in search of its foundation, but it is difficult to find. Pratishthit atma is the main foundation of the world. Pratishthit atma means the relative self. This relative self exists because one thinks, 'I am Chandulal.' This is a false imposition of the Self. The Self is not in its original place. Today, through me, the real foundation of this world is revealed naturally.
You are the pure Self (Shuddhatma), then who else remains within? Who carries out the subtle internal activities? The pratishthit atma does it all. Pratishthit atma is the result of karma caused in your previous life. Whatever beliefs you projected and installed back then, the pratishthit atma is the result of that creation. How was this pratishtha (projection) done? Through the belief of 'I am Chandubhai', 'this is by body', 'this is my mind', 'I am the doer of whatever I have accomplished'; these are all pratishthas. This then becomes the pratisthit soul that returns in the body at birth. It is also known as the superimposed self. It superimposes itself everywhere. And during the time of its dissolution, simultaneously and very subtly another pratisthit atma is being created (because the wrong belief of one's identity still prevails). How can anyone understand or know this?
When is it called a pratishthit atma? It is when you combine the 'I' with attachment of 'my'. 'I am this' ('I' in the wrong
You may not like to drink the poisons of the world but, because they are mandatory, you will be made to drink them. Instead of drinking with a frown, drink with a smile and become a nilkantha. Do this and your ego will melt away and you will become Mahadevji. I have become Mahadevji in this way.
Even for Lord Mahavir renunciation was mandatory. What