The impurities of the body can be removed through purgation. But the impurities of the mind and the chit cannot be removed by anything. As long as there is ignorance of one's real Self, all obstructions remain. People try to remove impurity and obstruction for peace of mind. Once you acquire Gnan (knowledge of the Real Self) what remains? Only impurity and obstruction, and these will dispel when you come to satsang.
What causes bondage of the human soul? Ignorance. So what will liberate it? The opposite of what binds it - knowledge.
'I am Chandulal', is the false imposition of your identity and this results in attachment for Chandulal and therefore a dislike for any other location. That means there is abhorrence for the Self. If there is attachment on one side, then on the other side there is definitely dislike or aversion. I awaken you to your real Self and at that very moment you cecome 'vitadwesh' (void of abhorrence). As you progress from this level, you gradually become vitarag (void of attachment). Vitarag means knowledge and vision (darshan) of the Self. I bestow upon you Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Vision. This Absolute Vision remains intact but you are not able to digest the Absolute Knowledge of complete 360°. This is due to the effect of the current time cycle. Alas! I too was unable to digest the final 4°! I give you the full Knowledge of 360° but you will not be able to digest it and hence yours is a state of partial perfectKnowledge. By whatever degree the manifestation of the Self increases, the degrees of your perfect-Knowledge will increase correspondingly. When the Self becomes fully manifested, concomitantly perfect-Knowledge will too.
In the traditional kramic path delusion is destroyed with delusion. For example, we need soap to wash a dirty cloth, but the soap will leave behind its residue and stain and so we need 'Tinopal' (bleaching soap) to remove that stain. Tinopal will
remove the soap stains, but leave behind stains of its own. In this manner whatever tool is used, that tool will leave behind its own stain and so one never becomes absolutely pure. Absolute purity can be achieved only when one meets a Gnani Purush. The Gnani Purush who is absolutely pure Himself, is the only one who can separate each atom of the non-Self and destroy all your sins and give you your pure Self. Only then the puzzle (of life) will be solved and you will attain liberation. Otherwise, you will continue to 'wash the stains from your clothes' for endless life cycles, each time leaving behind the impurities of the 'soap' you utilize.
The Science Of Speech
A young woman named Chanchal silently suffers her mother-in-law's nagging from dawn to dusk. If the mother-inlaw uses abusive words non-stop for four hours and you ask her to repeat the same words in the same manner, will she be able to do so? No. Why? This is because the mother-in-law's speech is a 'record' that is playing. What if this record (Dada pointing to a record on a record player) were to say, 'Chanchal has no sense, Chanchal has no sense?" Will Chanchal retaliate by saying, 'You have no sense', back to the record? I am the only one who has revealed that speech is a form of a record. Speech is inanimate; it is a record. When you play a tape, does the tape not have to be recorded first? In the same way, the tape of your entire life speech has already been recorded in the past life and in this life it is playing. Just as a record starts playing when the needle is placed on the record, so will the record of your speech commence as soon as the appropriate circumstances arise. But people claim that they are the ones speaking. When a lawyer argues a case in the courts, he will boast that he won because of his pleading, but what happens to his ability to plead when he loses? He looks for excuses for having lost the case. But all along it was a record that was