specific diet, which people provide everyday and so they grow healthy and strong.
When a man smacks his child in anger, his wife will rebuke him for doing so. If he tells her that the child deserved it, then he would be feeding his anger. In making such statements, people support their weaknesses.
I have never given protection to anger, pride, attachment and greed. If I happen to get angry and someone asks me why, I would tell him that it is wrong to get angry and that it occurred because of my weakness. In this way, I do not protect it. But other people do.
way or another. So anger is sthool karma. When you get angry, if you have the internal bhaav that anger is necessary, then this bhaav will be your account of anger for your next life. If however, your bhaav today is that you should not get angry and you have made a decision that you do not want any part of anger, and even though it still occurs, you will not have bound anger for the next life. You will be punished for the anger, which occurs as sthool karma in this life, but even then it will not bind you in the next life. This is because in the subtle (sookshma) karma your resolve (nischaya) is not to get angry.
On the other hand, if a person does not get angry with anyone, but has the belief that one should use anger to sort people out, then in his next life he will be a very angry man. Therefore, the external anger represents sthool karma and the internal bhaav is the sookshma karma. Sthool karma do not bind new karma. They represent an effect. That is why I have presented this science to you in a different light. Until now, people have been led to believe that karma are bound through sthool karma, and that is why they live in fear.
If a sadhu (an ascetic) happens to be using snuff and we ask why a man of his status should have such an addiction, he will strengthen his addiction when he says that there is no harm in using snuff.
Out of these four: anger, pride, attachment and greed, a person may favor one over the others and will therefore strengthen it by siding with it.
I will explain to you what overt (sthool) karma is. Do you ever become angry even though you do not want to be angry?
Questioner : Is there any prerequisite qualification needed to conquer these four kashayas?
Questioner : Yes.
Dadashri : You experience the consequences of your anger right away. People will say that you are ill tempered. Someone may even slap you. Which means that you will suffer the consequences through being disgraced in some
Dadashri : When these four kashayas of anger, pride, attachment and greed leave, one becomes a God.
God said that when one gets angry with one's blood relatives, their minds become estranged. This estranged state