know that you will suffer the consequences. Do pratikraman (the act of asking for forgiveness), and all your faults will come to an end. Otherwise you will have to suffer the same pain that you are inflicting. You will calm things down a little with pratikraman.
a firm resolve to never let their weakness overcome them again. They should not defend their anger and they should do pratikraman for it. They should make a note of when, where and with whom they became angry during the day and they should do pratikraman for it.
Questioner : When we get angry we start using abusive language. How can we improve ourselves?
Dadashri : This happens because one does not have any control. In order to have some control one should first understand how he feels when someone gets angry with him. How does he tolerate such behavior when it is directed towards him? Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
What should one do in pratikraman? If one's anger hurts another person, he must recall the Soul within that person and ask to be forgiven. He should ask forgiveness for his actions and vow never to do it again. Aalochana is confession of your mistake. When you confess your mistakes to me, you are doing aalochana.
If someone uses abusive language towards you and it does not bother you or depress you, it is a different matter. You should stop it altogether. One must never use abusive language. Swearing is crude behavior, unbecoming of any human being. PRATIKRAMAN: THE REAL PATH TO LIBERATION
Questioner : Dada, sometimes when we do pratikraman and repent for a mistake for getting angry with someone, we feel anguish within. Yet, we do not have the courage to ask for forgiveness face to face, from the person.
Dadashri : You need not ask for forgiveness in that way, otherwise the other person might misuse it. He may think that he has put you in your place. Just ask for forgiveness internally, by recalling the Soul within the person. There are only a handful of people who would forgive you before you even ask for their forgiveness. Such nobility is rare these days.
At one time people were taught to have compassion, practice fairness and forgiveness, but nowadays how can they have these qualities when they keep getting angry?
I would tell these people that whenever they get angry, they should repent from within. They should know the weakness within them, which prompts their anger. They should accept their mistake and feel remorse. If they have a guru, they should seek help from him. They should make
Questioner : Sometimes I become so angry that I will say something and then keep quiet, but I am in turmoil from within and this lingers on. Does this call for more than one pratikraman?