feathering their own nests, may have a cause to fear death. Technological advancement has not found the way to conquer this. While no one need to get distressed over death, they should certainly be afriad of their sins, wicked deeds and bad habits.
Dt. 03-03-1982 Men who have led simple and pious lives and followed the directions of spiritual masters and Bhagawan Tirthankars, have nothing to fear, for them, the exit from this world after their sojourn is like discarding old apparel and donning new ones. People feel happy when, after a weary journey, they arrive at their destination, but it is a paradox that they are sad when life is to end. Life which commences with birth has to terminate at one stage.
One who has spent his days adopting corrupt practices and led an impious life may enter lower tiers of rebirths. Everyone can easily distinguish between Good and Evil. It is one's duty to embrace what is noble, giving up what is bad.
Faith is born out of Control on Mind.
In one of his hymns, King Kumarapal of Gujarat (11th century), welcoming death, addresses his God 'I am ready to shed the mortal coil, let death visit me at any moment.' But can all people display such an attitude ?
THINK .........
Is the name not lable fixed on our Bodies ?
Whoever fears the end, is not a true Jain, said Pannyas Rajyashvijay in a discourse at Jain Aradhana Bhavan. A religious minded person will certainly be reborn where he would be able to register more rapid progress treading the path of righteousness.
Aim of life is not in earning Wealth but
Those who have not fulfilled their duties, have not done good to others but have spent their lives