One Plus One An independent research organisation whose role is to generate knowledge about marriage and relationships - how they work, why they sometimes run into difficulties and how couples cope when they do. Tel: 020 7841 3660 Website: www.oneplusone.org.uk
National Family Mediation Provides details of local mediation services to help couples resolve practical difficulties with minimum conflict Tel: 0117 904 2825 Website: www.nfm.u-net.com
Parentline Plus Provides a range of services to support parents throughout separation Tel: 0808 800 2222 Website: www.parentlineplus.org.uk
Relate The UK's largest and most experienced relationship counselling organisation, helping people work through their relationship difficulties and reach their own decisions about the best way forward. Tel: 0300 100 1234 Website: www.relate.org.uk
Resolution Offers details of solicitors who practise a constructive and conciliatory approach to the legalities Tel: 01689 850227 Website: www.resolution.org.uk
Interfaith Marriage Network Offers help and guidance for interfaith marriages. http://www.interfaithmarriage.org.uk/