The Map
- This initial phase corresponds to our experience of STAGE 4; - we somehow do something for our growth, but are not successful enough to gain more energy than we invest. -
Then - after ten to twelve days - we notice changes within us. We feel more energetic, dynamic and radiate a distinctly stronger bodily presence. Our jogging runs automatic now and we begin to enjoy it.
Transiting to STAGE 5 In a similar way we experience the transition from STAGE 4 to STAGE 5. At first it feels unfamiliar and strenuous to direct activities towards expansion. Yet once we get first positive results, we feel encouraged and notice that we now steer life far more efficiently than ever before - • We realize with growing clarity what is true and what is
not, and what kind of action makes us expand • Our compassion and understanding of others intensifies.
We become aware of issues that escaped us before • We begin to notice how much nature supports our growth • We sense something magnificent unfold within us
In all this we are carried by an additional energy that amplifies all our efforts.
We already know this additional dynamism from projects that inspire us intensely. Though working for these projects might mentally and physically exhaust us, the inspiration fuels us far beyond our usual limits of energy and ability.