presented by Hermann Kuhn
When in our mind we see the Origin unmanifested Awareness in all its nakedness, in all its clarity, we realize this path to liberation to be exceedingly profound. Seek, therefore, thine own Great Wisdom within. What you'll find there is vast and deep.
[The Final Good Wishes ]
Hail to all! This is The Knowing of the Exalted Awareness, the Seeing of Reality, Self-Liberation.
According to ancient tradition these essential aphorisms are kept brief and to the point.
This text is destined for those future generations who will be born during the Age of Darkness.
Thus the manuscript was hidden amongst other precious objects in a secret cache.
May this book be found and read by those blessed seekers of the future.
[The Last Advice to the Seeker ]
Vast, mighty, deep is this exalted wisdom.
May it not wane until The Origin is known to all beings experiencing the manifested worlds.