law here is one of 'no law-law'; does everything still not run smoothly? If 'we' do not see ultimate humility param vinay in a person, 'we' will keep a stern watch over him and if he does not maintain humility vinay, then 'we' will ask him to 'get out'. But 'we' would not tell him in a manner that would create enmity. It would be done gently and with humility. Dada is happy only where there is ultimate humility.
'We have come here to turn people around. 'We' do not need anything from this world. One goes thorough immense misery because he is on the wrong path. While taking the wrong path one incurs additional liability for his actions. It is a different matter if there was no suffering and he was enjoying it. But one goes through so much misery and on top of that he incur tremendous liability for being on the wrong path. Therefore out of compassion for him, 'we' ask 'Why are you heading on the wrong path?"