Questioner: People of India are obstinate and yet they are deserving of moksha.
Dadashri: It is like this; only those who are obstinate go to moksha. Who becomes obstinate, is it the one with understanding or the one without understanding? The one with understanding, would he be the one to become obstinate?
Questioner: But all that understanding is wrong, no, Dada?
Dadashri: It is because the understanding is obstructed. There is no obstinacy in freigners. They say it as it is.
Questioner: Dada can you explain this understanding being obstructed?
Dadashri: Our increased understanding becomes an obstruction. If this understanding does not become helpful to you, then it will get on the wrong path.
You will find a solution when your obstinacy goes away. Obstinacy is essentially the ego; it is an off-shoot of the ego.
The ego is the basis
Do you like obstinacy?
Questioner: I do not like it but it does not go away.
Dadashri: I will get rid of it for you. You are aware that obstinacy arises within you and that it does not go away, are you not? That itself is awakened awareness jagruti. Otherwise, one is not aware at all of the obstinacy when it arises. The awareness of obstinacy arising is not there at all. If you ask someone, 'Why are you being obstinate?' he will tell you,
you are the one who is obstinate.' Would he not immediately retaliate in this manner? If his boss tells him he is being obstinate, he will not say a word because it is coming from his boss, nevertheless he will retaliate in his mind! And that is because of the ego, what will the ego not do? Everything