Subtle change of ownership when talking to others about Dada
So to complete the goal towards full enlightenment, beware, be aware, and alert. Do not say anything at any palce as far as possible. Do not try to explain this Gnan to people. Otherewise there will be contrary result. To speak even a word of the speech of the Vitarag, is a very difficult thing.
What do people care, they will stick around you. All they care about is that they will get something. Do they not stick around to you if they think they are goint to of get something from you? You simply have to tell them, “This is not my task.' Not a word should be spoken, otherwise it will ruin everything within you.
Questioner: But can one talk about one's own experiences that have happened?
Dadashri: There is no experience. The talk that comes out, is really the words that 'we' have said. Those words are now sprouting forth. Experience however, comes very slowly.
So the entire Vignan of the vitarag should be present. No one knows even a fraction of this Vignan. The speech of 'ours' that had entered, that is coming forth. And if some strong-headed intellectual person were to come along, he will destroy everything with just a few words. Knowledge that is based on the intellect buddhigamya will not work, will it? The world already has intellectual knowledge, does it not? Hey! People have memorizied volumes and volumes of scriptures. If they utter just one word, you will become confused.
It is 'our Gnan that has been given as a seed, that has grown and has produced the result parinaam experience. As it gives results, it will grow again.
You may say, 'Dadaji used to say...' If on the other hand, the words take the turn and start springing from within (subtle change of ownership), the listeners may continue to appreciate them, and will say, 'this man is speaking just like Dadaji.' Then where will it take you? After a few days, it will make you fall hard; it will not let you go.