Dadashri: Such a thing will totally throw one off the path of liberation. "What was he saying about me?' if it stays within, can ruin your path of liberation.
Questioner: How come? Why is that so?
Dadashri: That is a very treacherous and an awfully wrong path.
Questioner: But in that situation which element-tattva is playing a
Dadashri: Why he has a need to ask such a question? Is he a thief that he needs to ask, 'what he was talking about me?' He has no faith in himself that is why he has to ask someone, 'what was he saying about me, after I left?
Do I ever keep a watch behind me asking, 'what is he talking behind me? Whatever he was talking about me, I do not have any problem. Even if he were to say it right on my face, I am unaffected. This person who is asking he is doing so because of deceit-kapat within.
Questioner: Is that also called deceit kapat?
Dadashri: Yes, That is why he is asking that third person, 'what was he talking after I left?'
Questioner: Or is it called the ego?
Dadashri: How can you say that it is the ego? All this is to cover his secrets and keep them from exposure. Let the world say whatever it wants to for the one who has nothing to hide. Will such a person inquire, 'what was he talking behind me?' Say whatever you want to. Hey, say it on my face! Do I have any problem? If I was drinking then I would have a problem, no?
Come sing—say it on my face, in my presence if you dare to! Therefore, I would never inquire, 'What will he say behind me? What was he saying after I left?' One is free to create the echoes one wishes for. Alas the poor fellow is doing it from his understanding. Where can he have all this understanding? All he knows is how to consume—eat. That too he does by soiling things around and creating a mess.