Questioner: You have said, 'To say, 'What do I care?' is a violation in the eyes of God as well as nature.'
Dadashri: That person is guilty all over. There is nothing else left for him as far as mistakes and liability is concerned. When his paper is not even worth reading what is the point of looking for mistakes? When do we consider mistakes? It is when one's paper has any worth. But here the paper is worthless so what is the point in looking for mistakes? One takes on the gravest liability when one says, 'What do I care?'
Questioner: How can we get out of the entrenchment of the attitude, 'what do I care?' that has taken hold form within?
Dadashri: 'What do I care??? It is the lowest degree there is and the way to get out of it is to walk back the path that lead you in that wrong direction; you have to use that same path in order to come out of it.
Questioner: So what did you say about this turning back? What has to be done on the way back?
Dadashri: The road that brought you here, is the road that will take you back. How do I know which way you went in? You know which path you took. Go back the way you came and it will go away.
Questioner: So what does one do in that?
Dadashri: By doing pratikraman over and over.
Questioner: Does attraction aasakti not decrease by saying, 'What do I care? Does excessive aasakti not go down by saying this?
Dadashri: Oh, leave alone all talks of lowering attraction aasakti, it goes way beyond aasakti and destroys a person. All these ascetics bavas, have been destroyed by their attitude, 'What is it to me? 'What do I care?' 'What is it to me?' You can never say this.
'What do I care?' means nispruha - to be without inclination. You either become spruhi - inclined or become like the Gnani Purush, who is nispruhi not inclined, where the body is concerned but full of inclination