Dadashri: You should not say this openly to him, otherwise he will think, 'Oh ho ho! He has calmed down. This is great. This is how it should be.'
Questioner: What happens if you say this to him openly?
Dadashri: If you tell him so openly, he will enter into a dispute tante chaddhe, 'I don't want to win this way.' Someone did tell me this once. I said to him, 'Sir, I sit here defeated. You have won so go home and sleep peacefully.' He told me, 'I do not want it this way.' I said to him, 'Do not try to exctract any sweetness out of this.' This is how he enters into a dispute tant. If you say this, he will move that way,and if say that, he will move this way. This is how the world is, the objection is made and adhered to vandho vachako. He wants to throwin the dispute and You want to extricate yourself from it all.
Now one has to try and make Dada's Gnan shine. If after trying it does not shine, then it remains. Do we have to carry on the link tanto of disagreement about it? Our efforts should be positive. What can one do when circumstances make them negative? Do you have to be obstinate about it? But no, one has the tanto the continued link of kashaya wanting to defeat the other. The worldy play of win or lose! 'We believe that it is a very grave danger to defeat anyone. The defeated person will then make preparation to defeat you. So why not let him win and let him go? Will there be any problems then? There is no problem from your end. Then he will look for someone else to deal with. If he wins with you, he will go somewhere else and compete.
So this Akram Vignan is very good, is it not? If you do as Dada tells you, then you will become free of this furnace of life. Remain 'dramatic' from within and then the worldly interactions vyavahaar will be solved. They will show you a 'red flag' (they will obstruct you) if you do not bring a solution in the worldly interactions. This is a clear path so no one will show you a red flag. This Vignan is completely different. There is no deceit kapat here about taking anything from anyone. This fact is irrefutable. And here we do not keep differences of 'this is ours and that is not'; this too is an irrefutable fact. So are there any problems here for us?
Course of Akram Vignan