Nothing can be achieved without realizing the Self. Until then one has to keep wandering. This is because the Self cannot be found in books. Where can you find it? The Soul can be attained only from a Gnani but Gnanis are very rarely around. That is why Krupadudev has said, 'it is rare, rare, rare, rare.' Gnani is never to be found. Where will you find one?
The seer and the knower is not in garvaras
Questioner: What is compliment swaprasansha and what is garva? And what is the cause behind tasting garva? What is the solution for avoiding it?
Dadashri: Compliment is when someone says, 'you are a very nice and likable person. It is hard to find a man like you.' When someone says this to him, he will forget everything and he will do everything that person asks him the whole daylong.
And garva is, 'I did such a great job! I did it so well.' One enjoys the sweetness of anything done by, 'How wonderful it is.'
What is the reason behind wanting to enjoy garvaras? It is the ego. There is the ego, 'I am something.'
And what is the solution for avoiding and overcoming it? After attaining this Gnan, all that is done with. Now whatever remains is in the form of discharge. 'You' have to remain separate from all 'that'.
Questioner: Dada how can one remain aware jagrut even in that discharge, effect?
Dadashri: "You just have to see whatever 'Chandulal' does. You have to see' even when 'Chandulal' is taking garvaras and also continue 'seeing him when he is feeling pleased when someone gives a compliment.
Questioner: And if he has done a good act, he will tell ten other people, 'I did this and I did that.' What should be done if that happens?
Dadashri: Yes, but garvaras arises only when he tells others. It is called garvaras when he tells others, that is when it arises. He gets