Questioner: Dada then there is another word nirmohi that needs clarification.
Dadashri: Nirmohi is not a complete word. Nirmohi does not mean that one is completely without attachment. You cannot call someone whose illusion has gone away a ‘nirmohi'. Therefore, nirmohi is not a state of the end of his illusion moha. We can use the word anasakta, which means free from fascination or infatuation, but we cannot use the word nirmohi. Where is the word nirmohi applicable? It is applicable to a person who pushses away his attraction moha through his ego; we can call him nirmohi. This means that the ego itself is still there but he has reduced everything else. If someone insults him or swears at him, he will say, "What is it to me?' but his ego still remains. His ego of being nirmani or nirmohi remains. Will this ego not have to be removed in the end?
The Gnani can get rid of the ego of a proud man maani. However, the ego of not being proud nirmani is so subtle that even the Lord cannot remove it. If such an ego arises, it will destroy you. So ask someone before you do anything along these lines.
That is why Krupadudev has written, 'why does one not attain liberation?' Krupadudev has said it is not greed or any such problems but if maan were not there, one would attain liberation here and now!
This is written to give encouragement to people; a viewpoint is stated. It is correct. It is to show those who do not have Self-realisation that everything else will be overlooked but one must not lose their focus of their maan. Maan pride is the cause of the worldly life.
Satta Purush is he who...
Krupadudev has said that a Sat Purush is the one who has continuous focused awareness upyoga of the Self. Therefore, the one, who never misses his upayoga, not even for a second, is called Sat Purush. Then it is the one whose speech is not found in scriptures; it is a speech that has never been heard before and it is the speech which gives experience. His words can create new scriptures. A person can achieve liberation if he hears just one word of the one who has a constant awareness as the Self, day and night.