swamaan there is, it is a discharge. And we are not concerned with that which is a discharge.
Abhimaan and false abhimaan
Questioner: What is the difference between abhimaan and mithyabhimaan false abhimaan?
Dadashri: Abhimaan is when one shows off his possessions where as false abhimaan is when one does not have anything; not even food to eat but he still goes around telling people, 'We have so many comforts...' Have you not seen such people? False abhimaan means to show false pride and boast without having anything to show for it; it means to brag unnecessarily. Whereas people know that a abhimaani person has wealth and he is displaying it. He has something to be proud about. But he should not be proud thus.. He should not display.' Pride with 'myness' means that people give him more respect because he is wealthy. But when he brags about his wealth, they are put off and think 'why did he have to say that?' You have to listen to praises, only when they are spontaneous.
That is false abhimaan
Questioner: Can you please give an example of false abhimaan?
Dadashri: What is false abhimaan? It is when a person has nothing and yet he brags, I have lot of wealth'; that is false abhimaan.
One Patel from our village was sitting with a nice villager on a train. The man asked, 'Uncle, where are you going?' Our Patel said, 'I am going to Bhadran. When the man asked, 'How long are you going for?' he responded, 'I am going only for ten to twelve days but it will take two days just to have our home cleaned.' The man asked, 'It will take two hours to clean the house, no? Patel told him, 'It may take two to four days just to clean the lower floor. Then the second and the third floor needs to be cleaned. There are bathrooms and other things that need cleaning also. There might be about hundred to hundred fifty mattresses which will need to be dusted.' He started to brag this way and the other man just kept listening. This is how he kept bluffing and bragging! 150 mattresses!?