Questioner: Next, what are the qualities of a ghemraji?
Dadashri: What does ghemraji mean?
Questioner: Does it mean ghamand?
Dadashri: No, ghamand is different and ghemeraji is different. People are very shrewd. Up to a certain point there is ghamand and if it goes beyond this point then we call it ghemeraji. It becomes distinctive the moment there is a change in the intensity. People are very smart.
Ghemeraji is someone who boasts and brags. He will say, 'I can go all over the world,' when he can't even travel three miles. People needlessly walk around boasting and bragging like this. It is all in their mind. But there are people who will bring them down to earth. People will openly comment "he is a ghamandi or ghemraji.' 'He has abhimaan'. People will comment this way.
What is a ghemraji? It is someone who snubs people wherever he goes, 'move away from here! We can tell him, "arey! Let me sit for a while!' but he will not let you sit, he will ask you to move. Such people do not value anyone. To them everyone appears to be like animals. People are like animals to them. Now tell me, such are the ghemrajis. Where do you think this word came from? Is it a Persian word?
Questioner: This is vintage native Charotari (district in the state of Gujarat) language.
Dadashri: Yes, Charotari language bhasha (Gujarati dialect)! People will make the comment, 'so and so is very ghemraji. He has nothing and yet he is a ghemraji.' Is this not in our Gujarati language? Now where did this word come from? What is its root cause? I am looking but I cannot find it. I can find the root cause of abhimaan and all that.
Questioner: So the words are not as simple as they seem. There is a lot of deep hidden meaning in them.
Dadashri: Yes. These words are full of meanings. One should not define them superficially. There is an ultimate absolute meaning paramarth within but this can only be realized when many layers are discarded.