Where there is abhimaan , there is no sanyam state without kashayas of anger, pride, deceit or greed, there is only ignorance there.
'I am Chandulal' is ego and 'I am pure Soul' is the egoless state. After the Self realization, the main ego, charging ego is gone but the results of ego, discharge ego, remain. When all the results of this discharge ego are gone absolute knowledge will arise.
Let no living being be hurt through this ego,' such intent is to be held. Yet, if someone gets hurt one should do pratikraman and move on.
What is the difference between pride and self-respect? Pride is ego with myness and self-respect swamaan means pride with boundary, pride for which one is qualified. Self-respect is engaged in protection of this pride. In worldly life self-respect is a virtue but the one who wants to go to be liberated will have to be let go of this self-respect also. To set protection against insult is self-respect.
The abhimaani person will exhibit what he has but the person with false pride with myness mithyabhimaani will boast, we have this and we have that'; when he really has nothing.
Insult is the thermometer to measure pride. When insulted, if one gets affected, that verily shows the existence of pride.
The one claims or holds within 'I am without pride 'nirmani will have the ego of, I am without pride.' This ego is very subtle. Even such ego will have to go for liberation.
Gnani Purush is with and without inclination spruha. He is completely disinclined towards the non-Self of others nispruha and completely inclined saspruha towards the Souls of others.
There is no unmatata swelling with pride reaction, in the Gnani Purush. People swell with pride when they have money in their pockets And with Gnani, there is no such reaction even when he is enveloped with luxury.
Gnani Purush does not have any 'I-ness' potapanu. He has not the owner of the mind, speech or body at all.