Dadashri: It is not greed for a good shubha cause but it is for the absolute shuddha cause. Even giving to charity or doing something similar is considered an auspicious cause. Then will come the inauspicious ashubha intent. But wherever there is pure shuddha intention, where the ultimate is to be gained, that is the pure intention.
It is not found in scriptures, it has not even been heard of...
Questioner: Now who besides a Gnani would clarify things in this way? Because to become liberated from this world is so difficult.
Dadashri: There is no such awareness, is there? It will be very good even if a person were to recognize that he is in bondage. However, because he is in bondage, he feels, 'Everyone else is doing it and so he finds an excuse to do the same. You fool! Everyone will jump in a well, but does that mean you have to do the same?
A person becomes 'fragrant' if his intense greed lalacha goes away!
Questioner: I have never heard the word lalacha with reference to spirituality.
Dadashri: No one would make such a disctinction, would they? Who would do that? 'We explain to you things in details. Those who have read the scriptures will tell you that they speak about these four kashayas: angerpride-deceit-greed! So someone may claim, 'Sir, but that is in the scriptures too. Tell us something new. Therefore, this has been going on from time immemorial. When the scriptures were created it was written, 'It is an illusion when one sees a snake in a charred rope. Similarly this world appears as an illusion.' Until today there has been no one to change or alter these words. Everything has been going on based on these words. This is a simile. They do not know any other simile. The greatest of men have given the same simile and another similie is, 'One sees silver in a shell'. These two similes have been used from the time when scriptures were written. So why not say something new? Go ahead and speak two new words! The words should be new or they should be with a design, with an effective dimension, and they sould be practical. They should bring about a meaningful change in