rosebuds. That too for his own pleasure; now there is no sex involved in this, is there? But still it is better if he does not touch the children. It is because the mind of an avaricious lalachoo person will keep going there over and over again. Sex is not the only thing that attracts. And in this case there is no sex, but the attraction is there all the same. It is better if the children do not get exposed to such influences.
That is the purushartha
Is there intense greed lalacha for sex only? No, there are all kinds of intense greed lalacha. Eating and drinking, are they not all intense greed lalacha? There is nothing wrong in eating but there should not be any intense greed lalacha in it.
Questioner: Does intense greed lalachas mean that one gets excited at the mere sight of something?
Dadashri: He will get very excited. But it is good if he recognizes it as intense greed lalacha.
The moment a covetous person sees someone he knows, he thinks, 'We will go eat together.' What should one do for such a intense greed lalacha? He should say to himself, 'I just had something to eat. I am not interested. Should there not be some self-respect? People will take you out for dinner and that impression will remain in your mind, will it not? Does it get erased from your mind? So when you see that person again, you will immediately have the thought, 'it will be nice if he takes me out again,' will you not? It is Your job to turn such thoughts around. That is called purushartha. And you are at risk for not turning that around; if you don't that risk remains.
Questioner: If we decline his invitation to eat out outrightly, are we not rejecting and scorning tarchhod him?
Dadashri: How can that be scorning him? What if someone tells you, “Let us go out for a drink?' where is the rejection in that? Why are you looking for sorry excuses like that? If he invites you, you should go and if you do not like the food, take it and put it aside. You should know how to handle yourself in situations surely!