Dadashri: Yes. A person will become a Gnani if he becomes free of mamata. All those who became tirthankaras, they were all free from mamata. Mamata can never exist there.
Questioner: What gives rise to this 'my-ness'mamatva?
Dadashri: It arises out of greed lalacha, greed of any kind.
Questioner: Is it because of what had been done in the past life?
Dadashri: You are only able to understand that everything you experience is due to your actions of your past life, after coming into this Gnan. But other people will not understand this. That is due to their greed lalacha. Their greed is very obvious and visible and wherever there is greed, mamata is bound to be there without fail. 'We had lot of pride maan but 'we' did not have any mamata at all.
Questioner: So does the ego exist because of greed—lalacha and my-nessmamata?
Dadashri: l'exists because of 'my'. Otherwise if you get rid of the 'my part, the 'I part is the pure Soul. The ego will exist as long as 'my' is associated with the 'l'. He whose 'my' is gone, loses his ego and becomes the supreme Soul paramatma! This is as clear as daylight!
The nature of mamata
That in which 'my-ness' enters, wherein one projects the self, is what we call mamata. For example, when you say, 'this teacup is mine', you give 'my-ness' to it and so what happens when it breaks? There is problem even when your teacup breaks! In fact, if I tell this child to throw away this teacup, he will shrug his shoulders and say 'How can I throw it away? Can you not understand the mamata in this? Why does he shrug his shoulders right away? Then if you tell him, 'throw out Dadaji's shoes' he will say, 'I cannot do that.' Look how particular those who have understanding can be, it is only because of the ego that everything has gone wrong. The ego of 'Hum, hum, hum! Hum means I.
Questioner: Does the ego dissolves through Gnan?