Attachment-Mamata : Covetousness- Lalacha
Better to stay away from sticky dirty wet mud
Everyone in every home has arrived as a guest. One is a guest as long as he stays and then one day he will leave. Have you not seen them leave? Those with attachment mamata and those without attachment eventually leave, do they not?
Therefore, do not waste even a minute. Why would you want to waste even a minute of the five or fifty years you are going to stay? You will pick up stain ( karma). The clothes (body) will remain here and the stain (karma) will stick to you and go along with you to next life. So why would you to pick up any stain? Now one does not get stained everywhere. One has to be careful while walking close to sticky dirty wet med. One is not concerned about flying dust; that dust will fall off on its own but the mud will stick to you. You can easily dust off the dirt from your clothes but you cannot remove the mud so easily and it will stain your cloth. Therefore, stay away from any sticky dirty wet mud.
The Gnani is without any expectations
Absolute purity shuddhata is rare in this world because the lives of agnanis worldly people are relative and filled with expectations sapeksha. Even the lives of the Gnanis of the kramic path (traditional religious path) are filled with expectations. The Lord has made 'us' the only exception. He has made 'us' 'the one with a life free from all expectations nirpeksha'. There is complete purity here. There are no stains of any kind there.
Not even a hint of attachment: 'My-ness' Mamata
People of this world cannot be free from expectations; there are always some expectation. This Gnani is without any expectation nirpeksha. He has no attachments mamata, mamatva such as 'this is my body, my mind, my chit, this is mine or that is mine'. He has no such attachments mamata and that is why this is a wonderful Vignan.