Dadashri: You will be able to do that when you decide ahead of time I want to take a beating in the process. Either way, the beating is inevitable. Who does not suffer in this world? So, why not suffer in the right way?
Questioner: That is true. Otherwise, we take a beating and we also ruin things for in the mattersw of the progress to the Self.
Dadashri: No. Now the inner suffering has stopped and then one takes the beatings. Whereas previously one had to take the beatings as well as, the internal suffering. As long as there is a body, the suffering is there. After becoming a Gnani, 'we' have not had to suffer. After Gnan, 'we' can see whose karma is bearing the fruit and how it came about. 'We must have had a part in it, which is why 'we' have to suffer the beatings now. 'We' can see everything. Even then nothing of the sort comes to 'us' now. I have finished all my share of the beatings before the Gnan. How many of these beatings can there be? Surely, there must be some mathematics there, no? After having united-welded a father and son who were at odds with each, they became one. Then our account does not work any more.
Questioner: Does it ever happen that in trying to weld, one of the parties will point the finger at you and accuse you of siding with the other person?
Dadashri: No. It is not like that. I did not have any such thing within that they could accuse me of doing that. Even in my ignorant pre Gnan state I did not have any such thing that could become a basis for others to point a finger at me. This is why I did not have to face such a dilemma. Both the parties became obliged and were appreciative of my efforts. They would dine together and do things together and this reinforced their unity. The problems would arise after that.
Welding is an art!
Questioner: But we do not know how to weld and so it may even go wrong.
Dadashri: That happens because one does not have the qualifications. That never happened to me. It can only happen when the person is deficient in his qualifications. However, that was not the case with me. Everyone