Questioner: You say that you had many difficulties when you helped people to reunite because of absence of Gnan, how is that?
Dadashri: I met with many obstacles. From a very young age, my nature was to 'weld' relationships. I would 'weld' wherever there were disputes. 'Welding is the greatest attribute one can have. No one will object to it, will they? I had lot of difficulties while welding but I still persisted.
Questioner: Did it ever occur to you that in trying to weld people together, one of them did not appreciate it?
Dadashri: No it was not like that. I made sure that both the parties were in agreement with my welding. The welding would not occure if it was not acceptable to both the parties. Welding is a special energy siddhi. I would bring both the ends (people) together and then I would weld. But I subjected myself to a lot of harm in the process. Every time there was nothing but harm to me.
Questioner: In what way? Can you give us an example?
Dadashri: If two brothers had been fighting constantly, what would I do? I would do the welding for both of them. Now how long would my friendship be valuable to them? They both would value my frienship as long as they were fighting with each other. But in many cases, I actually lost my money in these weldings. I would have recovered the money had I not done the welding. After the welding, those two would become one and I became the outsider. But nature watches all this, does it not? So I continued doing what I did. But I did have many bitter experiences. I left it to nature. Had the welding not been done, even the other person's wife would tell him, 'Why don't you return his money?' But after the welding, the wife would not say anything.
Did you understand this example? Would there not be many such incidents?
To the Welder....