walk around with undue arrogance of, 'I know something. What do they know? And yet men have no idea of what commonsense is. Everything happens as a result of fruition of one's karma.
A person who intimidates everyone cannot refrain from bickering with his wife. Why does he bicker with his wife? Does he not bicker at least two or four times in a twelve year span?
Questioner: He bickers everyday.
Dadashri: Everyday! So how can you consider him a man? And then he says he has sense. Where is the sense? If he had any sense, he would not fight with his wife. When he has separation due to difference of opinion with his wife, do you not realize he lacks common sense?
Questioner: How can we tell who of the two has less common sense?
Dadashri: Can you not know who creates the separation due to differences in opinion matabheda first? Will you not need some sense?
A man with commonsense will adjust everywhere. He will adjust even with someone who abuses him, he will say, 'No problem, come and sit down.' So commonsense is required. But generally one will walk around with a upset and noncommunicative risavoo face if someone tells him, 'You do not have any sense.' Hey! Do you have common sense? Why are you upset and noncommunicative risavoo? Do you think you have a lot of sense? Just look at you! You are nothing but a 'sackful of sense'! No one will give you a dime for your sack of commonsense and yet you needlessly fret over this. A sensible man will adjust everywhere. There is shortage of commonsense in the current time cycle.
Have they defined 'commonsense' properly? Is this an old meaning or a new one?
Questioner: Original, it is a new meaning.
Dadashri: It is original, is it not? Did anyone define it before? People get excited when I tell them that the meaning of commonsense is that it is applicable everywhere, theoretically as well as practically. They tell me that