Dadashri: Hey! A person will say, 'I would rather die than let go of the note. I would rather throw myself off the cliff than forget.' It is because he feels that, it is his basis for living. Then if you ask him, 'will it work if we take away your food?" He will say, 'No, I do need the food.' And yet keeping notes keeps him going. Keeping intense mental notes will not let go of anything..
'We' are separate from the one making the note
An intense mental mental note nondha is made because there remains a link tanto. (A link connected to a specific incident, internal or external. If a person continues to upset and noncommunicative risavoo, that is a tanto within that person). One cannot see the link, it is not evident. But when one makes a nondha then know that the link tanto exists there.
If someone insulted you yesterday and you make an intense mental note of it, then I will know that you have a tanto. This tanto - this link is a very dangerous thing to have. There should not be any nondha intense. mental note, at all. The essence of all this that nothing happens on its own; everything is vyavasthit. How can there be a nondha in the face of vyavasthit? An intense mental note is a tanto.
Questioner: Even when we do not have a habit of doing so, we end up making an intense mental note.
Dadashri: Yes, that will happen but you have to erase it later by saying, making an intense mental note was a mistake'. Just by saying this, it will be erased. You should be of the opinion that You are separate from the one taking the note. Then You are not one with the making of that note. Therfore You are not of that vote and opinion. If You do not 'say anything' within then it implies that You are in agreement with the opinion of the note. This is an age-old habit but this Gnan is such that no note will remain. All your current problems are due to the intense mental notes.
Questioner: We have made a habit of making intense mental notes